Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"Guys?" I called, stopping them from anymore tickling competition. "Can we focus for like five minutes after that I'll leave and you can continue with your couple-ly shit."

After around 10 minutes or so they finally stopped and paid attention to me. If this is what is going to happen every time we all meet, then I am definitely out of here. Instead of sitting and looking at them get all lovey dovey, I'll rather stay at home and chill watching Netflix.

"Do you guys have any idea about what we can do about Elisa?" I asked them. They shook their head no. I sighed and got up from my seat. "I'll think of something. Meanwhile, Christian, you'll have to pretend that you and Sam are not dating. Atleast in school you'll have to stay away from us. Elisa can't know that you know and neither can the guys know about this."

"Alright, I won't tell anyone. But what about Daniel?" he asked.

"What about him?" I asked in confusion, not getting how Daniel comes into any of this. He is been ignoring us anyway so it won't matter.  
"Do you really think that he is going to leave you alone after what I texted him. I don't even know what is going on with you two except for the fact that he was jealous of Andrew for some reason. Also, what is with you and Andrew anyway?" He asked, bombarding me with questions one after the other.

"Well, I'm mad at you for texting him and hopefully he doesn't do anything for a while and if he does, I'll take care of it myself. As for what is going on with me and Andrew, nothing. We dated once when I was in California for my vacation and that's it. Why is Daniel jealous about it? I have no idea." I said all of this in one breath.

Both Sam and Christian looked at me as if I was dumb. "You seriously have no idea or are you just trying to be ignorant about it?" Sam asked crossing her arm over her chest.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I feign ignorance as I looked anywhere but at them. Of course, I knew why Daniel would get jealous of Andrew, but for some reason I don't want to accept that. He made that pretty clear when he put forth the condition of kissing me anytime he wants, but now that condition is not valid since he isn't or wasn't talking to me because of his jealousy.

"You're hopeless," Sam muttered throwing her hands in the air.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. "Whatever you say. I'm leaving. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." Both of them said together.

I was about to shut the door when an evil smile took over me. I pushed the door open and yelled, "Use protection. It's very soon for me to be an aunt." With that I shut the door close and made a beeline towards the entrance of the house. I heard Sam's room door open.

"I'm going to kill you Skylar!" She yelled.

I just laughed and made my way towards my car. Opening the driver side door, I heard my phone ringing from my pocket. The caller ID showed Noah's ugly face. "Yello, brother."

"First of all, never say yello again or I am going to disown you from being my boring sister," he said, being dramatic as ever. "And second, where the hell are you?" he shouted the last question, causing me to pull my phone away from my ears. 

"Why the hell are you shouting?" I asked, buckling my seat belt. "I can hear you."

"Then your stupid ass head should know to call me if you are ever going to be late. Why are you late anyway? You were suppose to be home half an hour ago."

"I was at Sam's."

"Why?" He asked. I was quiet for a moment, thinking whether I should tell him or avoid stressing him out. But before I could come up with an excuse, he spoke again, "Skylar? What happened?"

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