Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


The ride taken to Elisa's house was interesting would be an understatement. Since Sam and Christian were in the same car alongside the prank products, it was a chaos. Since Christian was hell bent on irritating Sam, he questioned all the product and read the instructions behind each of them. At one point, Sam launched herself at him with her hands wrapped around his neck. Noah had to pull over and separate them. After that, Christian was seated in the passenger seat while I was sitting with Sam.

As soon as we reached Elisa's house, Sam was the first one to leave the car. It should have been me and Noah to do that but she beat us to it saying that she can't take it anymore and needed air away from Christian. And Christian being him, ran behind her to give a bear hug which resulted in being kicked in nuts.

"You okay now, buddy?" Finn asked, looking amused.

"No." Christian gritted.

"That's what you get for irritating her." Finn feigns sympathy.

"I didn't think she'd go this far." Christian defended.

"That's Sam. You can't expect any less." Grace commented.

"I'll keep that in mind."

I laughed at his grim expression. At the moment, we were trying to find a way to break into Elisa's house. Apparently, she didn't live in a normal house. Her house was huge with dogs guarding it. It just wasn't possible to break in.

"Anyone got any plan?" Noah asked for the 10th time now. He had rotated the house almost 5 times, trying to find a way. "Why did you send Daniel home again?"

"I want it to be a surprise for him too." I replied again.

"But he already knows the plan." Noah argued.

"He doesn't know the minute details," I winked. "I'll like to see his surprise face."

Noah shook his head and turned towards the others who were still fooling around. "This is one of the reasons I can't stand being with the people who are younger than me."

I gave him a flat look. "You are always with me."

"By force." I glared at him and stomped his feet.

"Guys," Grace whisper-yelled. We gathered around her crouched body behind the bush. "See there. It reads Elisa's supply. I have a plan."

So, the plan was simple. There was a cart of boxes. One of which was labeled as Elisa's supply. From what I guess, it's her daily supply like nail paint and all the other make-up. This way we can change the hair color if it's there and if not, we'll just add it. Simple. But the only problem was the maid that was bringing the stuffs inside. We had to distract her before she takes the boxes inside.

"How are we going to distract her?" I asked, pointing at the maid.

Christian smirked. "Did you forget you have 3 hot boys with you?"

Finn and Noah smiled and tried to give a sexy pose. Grace just blinked at them while Sam inspected her nails. I, on the other hand just shrugged. It's true. They are hot, minus my brother. I just can't think of him in that way.

"Might work." I agreed.

"Aw. Does little Skylar thinks I'm hot?" Christian teased, throwing one of his hands around my neck.

Noah pulled Christian back by his collar and came to stand next to me, glaring. "She does not."

I rolled my eyes at both of their behavior and pushed them towards the gate. We were hidden just outside of the gate near the bushes.

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