Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Today couldn't have come any sooner.

At school, Elisa had practically announced her date with Daniel. Even going as far as saying that after tonight, they are going to be exclusive. What I don't understand is, why make a big deal out of a small date? So I asked Daniel about it. He told me that Elisa has been practically asking him out and his answer has always been no. But this time he said yes, and she is beyond the moon. There was a spark of guilt within me for doing this after knowing that fact, but whenever I try to think about stopping this prank/revenge, she is suddenly in front of my eyes and boosting all the things she plan on doing with Daniel and insult me and my friends. Both of what she said angered me, resulting in me carrying on with the plan.

"She looks really excited," Finn commented as he sat down next to Grace.

"Why won't she be? I finally agreed to go on a date with her." Daniel muttered, annoyed.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." I began. "We can think of something else."

Daniel looked up from his tray and turned his head to me. "No, it's okay. I want to do it."

Hidden from everyone's view, he took my uninjured hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. My head snapped towards him. Daniel gave me a reassuring smile which I returned with my own grateful one.

"Ready to start with it?" Noah asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Damn! I can't wait." Sam bounced from her seat.

"So after school we go to her place?" I asked.

"Yeah. I heard she is going to the salon with her friends to get her nails done." Grace informed.

"After school it is." Finn smirked.

I smiled and grabbed my spoon from the left hand. Just as I was about to take a bite, a voice stopped me.

"Hey, Christian." The voice called from behind me.

I recognised that voice. I could recognise his voice from anywhere in this world. He was someone I used to love a lot. My trust for him ran blind. I thought talking to him about my feelings, problems and day-to-day activities was worth listening. But then he gave me a worst shock and a best gift.

"Andrew!" Christian exclaimed. He jumped out of his seat to where he was standing. "What are you doing here?"

"Mom wanted to be close to your Dad after what happened. So we shifted here." He replied with a hint of sadness.

The word 'shift' was enough for my left hand to lose its coordination and the spoon to fell out of my hand. The attention turned towards me. I just gave them a sheepish smile which I'm sure looked more of a grimace.

Across from me Grace gave me a concern look wherein Sam looked down right murderous. Smiling sweetly with extra sugar, she asked. "Christian, babe. Aren't you going to introduce us?"

Sam very well knew who Andrew was and yet had the guts to ask him this question. I had shown her and Grace the picture of him.

I met Andrew when I visited my grandparents in California. That year, I was spending my whole summer with them. Noah didn't come with me because he was with Spencer and her family at some island. It was only me and my parents. California is known for its beaches and that was the first time I saw Andrew. He didn't notice me that time. He was playing with his friends, but later that evening I found out that he was actually our neighbour.

My grandparents had invited his family over for dinner. There we started talking. Being the same age makes a lot of conversation interesting. From that day onwards we became friends, best of friends and eventually started dating. That summer was the best summer until the very last day.

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