Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


"How do you have this video?" Elisa asked, glaring at me.

"You really are not that smart, are you?" Sam wondered, looking confused. "I thought you fake it, but no. You really are stupid."

Elisa gasped at Sam. "Watch the way you talk to me!" She yelled at Sam. "I will show this video."

"You do that and we will post this video on YouTube." Daniel shrugged, taking the phone from my hand and began playing again. "I will agree to this video if anyone asks me and I'll tell them all the lies you've been spitting."

Elisa stared wide eyes at Daniel in disbelief. "W-What?"

"Do you really want him to repeat?" Grace asked, walking to stand next to Daniel.

"You shut up!" She yelled.

"Or else what?" Grace cocked her head to the side and crossed her arms. "I'm not scared of you anymore."

Elisa didn't say anything, but was breathing heavily in anger. She looked at each one of us, before grunting. "What the hell do you want to talk about?"

"That's what I thought." Finn grinned.

"Our deal is simple," Sam began. "You delete that video and we will delete this video. You don't speak to us and we don't speak to you." Elisa stood quiet for a while, pondering over Sam's words.

I stole a glance at Sam who was nervously waiting for Elisa's answer. Daniel came and stood next to me, rubbing his hands on my arm in a calming gesture. I gave him a grateful smile and turned my attention towards Elisa who was staring at us now.

"Are you two dating?" She asked, quietly.

"Yes. We are." Daniel nodded in agreement as his arms tightened around me.

She sighed and looked at the phone in Daniel's hand. "How do I know that you don't have a copy of it?"

"How do we know that you don't have the copy of our video?" I fired back.

"You don't."

"Exactly." I said. "You don't open our secret and we won't open yours."

"Fine." She agreed. "But you won't pull any prank on me from henceforth."

"Agreed. As long as you stay out of our way." Grace agreed.

"Alright." She removed her phone and deletes the video and waited for us to do the same.

I took the phone from Daniel's hand and delete the video. She nodded and left without saying anything to anyone of us.

"Do you have a copy?" Christian asked, curiously.

"Yes, of course. I don't trust her." I said, shrugging. "It's in my laptop."

"Smart girl." Christian said proudly.

"Thanks." I flipped my hair back and smirked. He rolled his eyes and pulled Sam towards him as we began walking to lunchroom. Finally, it seems like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulder. I sighed in relief and looked up at Daniel giving him small smile. He smiled back and leaned down to kiss me softly. 

"Do you want to go out today?" He asked me out of nowhere.

"Like a date?" I asked, surprise.

"Yes. But this time I will be prepared." He said, smiling. 

"Sure. I don't have anything better to do," I shrugged seeming nonchalant, but inside I was grinning like a kid on candy.  

"Nothing better to do, huh?" He asked, amused. He smirked which caused the smile to fell off my face as he crept closer towards me. 

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