Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Once Sam uttered the word that everyone dreads to hear, we piled into our respective cars and went to Sam's house where we decided to talk. Since I came with Noah and he left, I traveled with Daniel as he practically forced me into his car. 

"It was fun sneaking around," he said, giving me side glance. My mind flashed back to the bathroom where we had our heated session today during the lunch break and flushed red. "Now now, you don't need to blush. I know that I have that effect on girls."

I gave him a look when he said girls. "Girls?"

He let out a loud laugh at that. "I knew you would pick that up," he said, stealing glances my way. "I'm kidding, love. You know I have my eyes for you only."

"Smooth talker." I muttered under my breath. "You have that effect on girls, whether you notice it or no."

Daniel smirked at me which earned him a hit from my side and a laugh on his end. Soon enough we reached Sam's house and waited for the others, who were behind us. Once all of us were here, we went up to Sam's house and all the way up to her room after greeting Mrs. Stinson who was working from home. 

Once we were settled in her room, our attention turned towards Grace who shifted in her seat clearly uncomfortable from all the attention she was receiving right now. She glanced at Finn in worry. "I haven't told you anything about this either."

Finn's eyebrows shot up and he sat up a little straight too. "Why not?"

"Because no matter how much I would have begged you not to tell the others, you would have and I couldn't have that." She finished. 

"What is it?" Christian asked, walking out of the bathroom wearing a spare jeans and t-shirt. He turned towards Sam, "you can get cleaned up now."

"No. I want to hear this first. I'm anyway wearing Noah's clean shirt. I can manage few hours in it." She said, shrugging.

"All the more reason to shower now." Christian pointed out. Sam raised an eyebrow in question. "You're wearing other guy's shirt."

"You should have thought that before throwing the shit on me." She counter backed.

"Ohh," Finn and Daniel smirked.

I rolled my eyes and hit the back of Daniel's head. "Ow." he said, rubbing the spot I just hit. "What was that for?"

"You were a part of it." I said, flatly.

"So?" he asked, dragging the word. I gave him a blank look that shut his mouth, not before grumbling under his breath. 

"Whipped." Christian coughed.

"Look at yourself first," Daniel shot back.

"Alright." Grace cut them off. "Do you guys want to know or not?"

"Yes yes. Please continue." Christian said, taking a seat next to Sam and getting comfortable.

"You remember the day when you guys pranked us using my car?" She asked the guys.

"Yes?" Finn said in confusion. "What about it?"

"Before that during lunch break, Elisa came to me near the bathroom." Grace began.

"I'm going to kill her," Sam muttered, angrily.

Grace gave her a glare for interrupting, but continued, "She told me she found out about everything."

"How?" I asked, curiously.

"The day we pranked the guys with the eggs and were sent to principal's office, she was there the whole time. Apparently, she thought it was not in her social knowledge for guys this hot associating with the nerds like us and she saw how awfully close you have gotten to Daniel and she didn't like it one bit. That was the reason she started noticing us. And on that particular day we spilled the beans outside the principal's office where she was waiting." Grace finished, looking away.

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