Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I straighten myself, and wiped the sweat of my hand, before knocking on the door. I waited for a 'come in' before stepping into the room. The room was quite messy for a clean freak person. Mom always lectured me how I should follow Noah's footsteps and always keep myself and my surrounding clean, but I never paid attention. Because, simply, when things are clean it doesn't feel like home. When there are stuffs lying around and when you trip on more than one things, and laugh about, it makes things more fun than keeping it clean. It feels like I'm at a resort, if it's too clean. And now looking at the mess up Noah's room, I felt a sense of pride that my brother will follow my footsteps.

"Are you just going to stand there and make a constipated face or did you come here to yell more?" He asked, not even looking up from the TV.

"Actually, I came here to apologise." I said, bit my lips.

He turned towards me and raised an eyebrow. "Apologise and you?" He chuckled. "I don't believe it."

I signed and sat down in front of him. "I'm sorry, Noah. I said pretty bad stuffs that I didn't mean and I just wanted to hurt you, maybe. You always come first before Sam or Grace. You are my brother. You've always been there for me. You are family. Now I realise that you are right. Since my friendship with Sam and Grace, I kind of distanced myself from you, which is wrong of me and I want you to forgive me. I tried keeping my friendship and you away, so that you don't feel this way, but I'm just bad at it. And I want to improve. I want us, Noah-Skylar, back. How we both use to prank Mom and Dad, until they grounded us or when late at night I would come in your room with popcorn and we use to watch movie and talk endless about my crush, your crush and pretty much everything. I miss you, brother. But with Spencer too, I felt like I lost my brother and I started hanging out more with my friends, thinking that you need time with your girlfriend. I just...I'm sorry." I finished.

There was a long silence before Noah broke it. "Did you practice this speech?" He asked, smiling.

I groaned and threw a pillow at him. "Shut up. I did not." I blushed. I was actually nervous about talking to him and I was thinking all the ways I could use to make him forgive me. I even practiced talking in front of the mirror.

He chuckled and pulled me in a hug. "I miss you too, baby sister. I didn't know you were jealous of Spencer." He teased.

I look at him horrified. "I'm not jealous. I just want my brother back." I huffed and looked away. He laughed out loud which earned him a smack on his arm. "Shut up or else the consequences will be bad."

He quickly stopped and raised his hands in mocking surrender. "Sorry. Sorry."

"So am I forgiven?"

"Of course, you are. I can't stay mad at you. I love my baby sister too much. But I'm not good at expressing it. Other than the fact that you make me worry." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

I rolled my eyes at him. "By the way, you called Daniel?"

"Er.. yeah." He said, looking around. "I know you didn't want me to be involved, but I can't just sit there and do nothing."

I chuckled and shook my head, before getting up. "It's alright. I'm glad you threatened him. He was getting way too far with his ego, anyway."

"Where are you going?" Noah asked.

"I'm hungry now. Have to stop this machine from getting rusty." I said, pointing at my stomach. He just rolled his eyes and waved me away.

I walked down, all the while humming some song whose name I don't remember. Curse Grace for this. She's always singing some song which I don't like and the next thing I know, it's on my tongue. As I jumped the last step, I walked into the kitchen to see a plate full of food. True to her words, Mom kept a plate for me. I ate while surfing through my phone. Elisa had uploaded a picture of herself and some guy, who looked like to be in college or something. I rolled my eyes and clicked my phone off. Washing my plate, I went back to my room and slept like a baby.

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