Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


The school ended with me ignoring and avoiding Daniel as much as I could. The thought that I kissed Elisa indirectly is still fresh in my mind. And that Daniel didn't tell me about it is still occupying all my thoughts. Daniel and I had planned to go to his house to meet his sister. As I mentioned this plan to Grace and Sam, there was a bit of a situation, but Sam made it clear that I wasn't going anywhere with that two-faced liar, her choice of words. To be honest, I didn't feel like going anymore either, even though I wanted to meet his sister. But then I thought that it could wait.

Noah and I were making our way to the car alongside with Spencer who was staying at our place tonight. I have yet to tell Noah about my plan of going out and that Grace and Sam are going to come at our place to get ready.

"Do you have any plans today, Skylar?" Spencer asked as she buckled herself.

"Yes. I actually do." I replied and turned my head towards Noah, shifting to sit in the middle of the two seats, so I could poke my head in between. "I won't be home tonight. The girls and I are going out today and from there we'll go to Grace's place."

"Partying?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup. It's Friday. And Mom and Dad are not home. So I thought I might go out and have fun. You both will get the house to yourself. Even though, I already know what kind of activity is going to happen. Don't step into my room." I finished, smirking as I saw Spencer and Noah's cheeks heat up. I smiled in satisfaction, looking at the two getting embarrassed.

"Shut up. Like I don't know what happens with you and Daniel." He fired back.

"Trust me, brother. Daniel and I are no-go." The smile turned into a frown.

"Trust me, sister. That's a lie." He snorted.

I just glared at him and took my seat back, looking out of the window. My phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down to see a new message from Daniel. I ignored and deleted it without opening. After a few minutes, it buzzed again but with an incoming call. I ignored his call and let it go into the voicemail.

"Alright. Here we are." Noah said as he parked the car.

I unbuckled myself and went inside the house where Mom and Dad were ready to leave. They bid their goodbyes and told us to take care. They were leaving for one of Dad's business gala. The party was two towns over and the company had booked rooms for them and the people attending from far away. Mom and Dad decide to take a break for the weekend, leaving the responsibility on Noah, since he was elder from the both of us. When they left, I made my way towards my room, leaving the couple to do whatever they want to do.

I changed into my pajama and jumped onto my bed and took my laptop from the bedside. I saw that I had a request on Skype from Grace and opened it quickly. A messy looking Grace appeared in front of me.

"You had a nice time after school." I stated, looking at her buzzard hair and improper lipstick.

"Don't even start. I already got a number from Dad. I don't want Dad 2 to start again." She said, making me roll my eyes. "Anyways. Daniel keeps pinging me asking about you."

"Obviously. Sam made it clear that I'm not supposed to talk to him." I shrugged.

"When did you start listening to Sam?" Grace asked, raising an eyebrow.

"From the time she actually proved to be right."

"Really?" She asked, not believing me for a second.

"What other reason could it be?"

"I can think of few."

"Your point in calling me, Grace?" I asked, quite bluntly. The talks of Daniel were getting on my nerves now. All I need right now is a good mixture of drinks and dance to let loose.

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