Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"Tell me again, why are we doing this?" I asked, holding a bucket of egg in my hand.

"Because this idiot," Grace said pointing at Sam, who was peeking from the wall where the lockers were situated. "Decided that it would be fun to challenge Christian in a prank war."

Grace was having a hard time picking the bucket as she was carrying both her's and Sam's. Sam was busy making sure the hallway was clear because she wanted to hide the bucket from everyone. There was one problem in this whole scenario. If we publicly attack the guys, everyone will understand that we were the one pranking and if we don't attack, we'll be losing to the guys. Attacking them personally instead of doing it in public would have been a better solution, but Sam here wanted to humiliate them in front of the school. So she decided to include few more people in the prank.

Spencer is the one going to start with the prank followed by the football players, who Noah convinced to take part in by saying that it would be fun, and they agreed. We'll join them soon after and so will many people. So in the end, it's going to be us who gets this point.

Right now we had many eggs in the bucket and we wanted to hide them in the janitor closet until the time was right, but the janitor was currently being used by some horny teenagers.

I heard a frustrated sigh, before I saw Sam marching towards it. "Sam!" I hissed, calling her but she was a girl on mission. She banged the door and came back running towards us and hiding behind the wall. Grace glared at her, but didn't say anything as we heard the door open. Peeking through the wall, I saw a boy and a boy, coming out, fixing themselves. I gaped at them as they kissed one more time, before parting ways.

"Close your mouth, Skylar. It's not like you haven't seen gay people before," Sam said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes. I have, but not in action," I whispered the last part. I have no problem with gay people, in fact, they are the most trusted of all, but I haven't ever actually seen one, so looking at them was new to me.

"Such an innocent little thing," Grace snickered, messing my hair along with it.

I huffed and followed them with my bucket, muttering incoherent under my breath. They practically ignored me as we stuffed the buckets inside.

"Alright, we are going to do this during the lunch break. Skylar, text Spencer to be on time before we lose the three of them." Sam instructed.

Since two days Daniel hasn't been talking to me and the rest of the two boys have left Grace and Sam alone too. They were behaving distant from us which was weird as Finn was dating Grace. They were in a fight recently which I came to know yesterday when Sam called me at her place to discuss the plan. It was a stupid fight according to Grace, but still they weren't in talking terms. So it was a nice day to prank the guys, to get reactions out of them. And lucky us, we had just the perfect plan with perfect amount of help.

After making sure all the buckets were secured in the closet, we closed the door and left for our classes. The period dragged very slowly or it felt like it was purposely going slow. The period before the break was a torture. I kept on tapping the pencil in my hand which caused me a stink eye from the guy sitting next to me.

"Sorry." I muttered before placing the pencil down. I still had 15 minutes before the bell.

Unconsciously, I picked the pencil again and began tapping out of habit. I heard a sigh and before I know the guy grabbed the pencil from my hand and broke it into two before handing it back to me with a smile. My eyes widen at his behavior as I stared at the broken two pieces of stick in my hand. I shifted a little away from him afraid that he'll break me too if I fidgeted or something.

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