Part 5

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Hello People, Hope you haven't forgotten me ! Sorry for posting it late. Had a hectic week with the project deadlines and bad health. Hope you like this part !


Abhi had a peaceful sleep that day after so long.

A different kind of calmness prevailed and he felt relaxed once he woke up.

Mira's words indeed created a greater impact on his decision. He never thought a person, that too a girl would be able to change him.

He had heard a lot about Mira from Nandu-Aaryan though he never expected her to give an advice to him in their first meet itself. He wondered why he wasn't offended with her words.

Because, he have never allowed anyone to mention that topic. Not even Nandu and Aaryan!!

From whatever he heard, Mira was a chirpy girl who always carried an aura along with her. People loved her for the person she is: Always smiling, caring and down to earth.

She was naïve yet strong. That charisma attracted Abhi more towards her.

Abhi was a child within. A very sensitive one, who never allowed people to come inside his comfort zone. But it is not like he is an introvert that he appeared to be after whatever happened in his past.

Preparations for the function was going on in full swing. Everyone was busy in one or the other thing to make the event more colourful.

While Mira and Anamika helped others in the preparation, Abhi too joined them. The trio bonded so well and Abhi could feel happiness coming into his life again. They helped each other and talked about their life, plans and future.

Anu was so happy to know that Abhi was a blogger. She wanted to ask further about his life as a blogger and about his followers. That's when Mira intervened in between and changed the topic as she sensed the uneasiness in Abhi's face for some reason. He mumbled a thanks to her through his eyes and she acknowledged it. Mira made a mental note to tell Anu not to ask him anything about his past.

Their bonding was closely noticed by Aaryan and Nandu.

After so long, they felt happy for both of them. Though they were not sure whether they should be. But at that moment, it was right thing. Like a ray of hope in their life. They smiled at each other knowing what was going through their minds.


It was the day of engagement.

The stage was set. Happy smiles were visible in everyone's faces.

Aaryan and Nandu were brought to the stage. They were asked to exchange the rings and perform the associated rituals. Aaryan and Nandita made a perfect couple. Finally the first step of their dream of being together has been taken.

The happiest people were Abhi and Mira. They had one gala time seeing their favourite couple happy. Mira had happy tears. She was on cloud nine seeing them together. Their journey was known to her. The struggles they had faced to convince each other's families wasn't a cake walk after all.

Two different states, communities, language.

Coming from a conservative family, everything was a problem in both sides. But, they were not ready to back off. The strong will to be with each other made them adamant in their decision. And finally their family agreed. Mira knew all this as she was also along with them in this mission.

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