Part 13

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Hello my dear people,
This time I am really quick... On my dear readers demand... I was really nervous on writing this part as this was toughest one to pour out the emotions of the central characters. I have tried to do so.
I hope it turned out good.
Get ready with your weapons...

Mira woke up from her sleep sweating profusely. She felt her heart heavy. Betrayal?
Who was she? Wat was she talking? She tried to recollect her dream. Mr. D... With another lady.

No! She couldn't bear the sight. Even in her dreams.

She was not at all ok with what she saw. She didn't know why she felt like crying her heart out.
Who was he? Why is she dreaming all this? Is she missing out something in her life?

Mira even doubted her mental stability. Because all of a sudden she is seeing things.
Sound of alarm broke the thoughts. She checked the time. Within two hours, she need to meet Abhi.

She was in no mood to meet anyone. Her life is getting complicated with each passing day. But she can't complicate it more. Especially when other's lives are also involved in it.

  ****************As decided earlier, Mira had called Abhi to meet him in one of the hangout place

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As decided earlier, Mira had called Abhi to meet him in one of the hangout place. He was hesitant at first thinking she was being forced by someone from her family to talk to him. But she assured it wasn't the case. Else she wanted to meet him.
She was lost in thought that she dint know when Abhi came. He tapped her shoulders and sat in front of her.

"Hey Abhi... ". She stammered. She dint know how to initiate the conversation.

"I am sorry for not talking to you. I know I have hurt everyone. You...Akka...Jeeju... Uncle... Aunty... Appa... Amma... Everyone! I can't forgive myself. I am really sorry. But I am helpless Abhi. I am sure you will understand my state more than anyone. So I called you here. I need to tell you something important." Mira somehow managed to say keeping a straight face.

"Miru... I told you this before. You are my friend first. You don't need to hesitate in sharing your problems with me. That's not what friends are for." Abhi said in a serious tone.

She kept looking at him for a moment.

"Hmm Abhi, actually I am a bad friend. I haven't told you one important thing in my life. I dint know it was so important. I was confused more than anything. At times, I thought I was seeing things. I am imagining things. "

"Mr. D right?" Abhi cut her in between.
Her jaw dropped hearing the name from him.

"I know about him. Your dreams. Your feelings. Everything. Vadina and Annaya have already informed me about it. You could have told me this before Miru. I mean if you see him above me." Abhi said surprising her. His voice didn't hold any emotions.

"No Abhi. There is nothing like above or below. I was confused. I dint realise what feelings I have for him till that day. I thought it is all just my imagination. Until he came in real to make things more complicated. "

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