Part 11

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Hello my dear readers, 

Thanks for your support. I know most of you have thought Abhi is Prabhas. I am sorry. He is Mr.D only. You will know more about him in the coming chapters. This is a short update. please bear with me for that.


"Miru... ", Savitri and Nandu shouted her name.

While Prabhakar and Abhi held Mira. Aaryan rushed inside to get some water. Mira was taken to her room and brought to lie down.

Nandu's dad examined her. "Low BP... I guess she haven't taken her medicines."

"She didn't had her breakfast too." Anu cried by seeing her food remain untouched.

"This girl never listens to me..." They heard Savitri complaining and crying.

"Savi... Relax! She will be fine soon. Let us postpone the function. She seems to be tensed about something. Otherwise Miru is not someone who is very weak. Let us give her some time."

Saraswathy tried to console her sister. Savitri nodded her head. She and Prabhakar stayed along with Mira. While Aaryan and Nandu was nervous.

Abhi didn't know what to do. He noticed something unusual on Mira's eyes while she put ring on his finger. There was a worry and fear reflected. He didn't want to break the moment and hence thought of checking with her about it later. But everything went out of their hands. He wondered if he had put too much pressure on her with this relation. None dared to meet Abhi. They gave him some space. At least till Mira gains consciousness.


About three hours later, Mira felt a pain in her head. She tried hard to open her eyes and found her parents on either side of the bed.

"Amma..." She clasped Savitri's hand as tight as she can, which was intertwined with hers.

Savitri immediately looked upon her face and shed happy tears. Prabhakar caressed her daughter's forehead.

"I am sorry Amma Appa." Tears brimmed up in her eyes and her dad wiped it.

"Miru, don't stress yourself. Everything will be fine. We should have taken care of your health earlier." He consoled her.

Mira wondered why her father was saying all this. It has nothing to with her health. It was all because of the strange things happening to her. But how will she disclose all this to her Appa and Amma. Suddenly, Abhi's face flashed in her mind.

"Appa, where is Abhi. I want to meet him", She insisted.

Savitri passed a look to her husband and he nodded in positive.

Abhi was called on to her room. He was feeling guilty. He came near her and held her hands.

Mira on the other hand, felt miserable seeing Abhi in such state. He was still in the engagement attire. She smiled at him indicating she is fine. He kept quiet not knowing what to ask.

"Abhi... I am sorry! I wanted to tell you something."

"I know Mira. It is my fault. I should have taken care of your feelings. It is all rushed, putting too much pressure on you. i know it have taken a toll on your health."

"I don't understand what you are saying. Whatever happened has no connection with my health. I am facing something else. I don't know how to explain it. Right now I am sorry for making you embarrassed in front of our families. I destroyed happiness of my loved ones. Please forgive me for that. Abhi, you were and will be my best friend for ever. All I am asking you is time. I need some more time to make things ok. Let us call off this engagement for the time being. We will go back to our homes for now. Hope you understand." She concluded.

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