Part 9

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Heylo my dear people, I am back with another update. I am sorry for being late. Had hectic weeks... Hope you like the update  !!


Mira was trying hard to be cheerful for her parents who are excited to meet Nandu and Aaryan as it is their first visit after the wedding. She was battling with her emotions. She was confused how to face her Amma and Appa. . Already they are worried much for her health. She did not want them to be tensed about her by letting them know about her weird dreams. But she don't want to lie either.

She went downstairs and saw her Amma and Appa busy in kitchen. Her Appa was always by her Amma's side supporting her in all the household chores. She was always amazed at the bond that they share with each other. She was thankful to god for giving her such a loving parents.

They saw her coming towards them. "Ahhaaan Savitri... See who is here... My Bangaru woke up so early today?" He teased his daughter.

"Appa ..." She whined which made both of them laugh.

"I was feeling so tired. Wedding Hangover". She giggled.

Savitri and Prabhakar passed a worry look to each other and Savitri caressed her head and spoke. "Miru I told you not to stress yourself much. Hmm ok! From today you are not allowed to do anything without my consent ok?"

"Amma I did not mean that way. Just one or two days. I will be ok. Anyways today Akka and Jeeju are coming. How can I stay calm when they are here? Please Amma... I won't stress much." She kissed her Amma's cheeks.

"Ok! But you should keep your promise." Her mother needed assurance and Mira nodded her head.

The family spent some more time in the kitchen with Mira chitchatting about her college days and Savitri preparing food for the guest. They had breakfast and waited for Aaryan and Nandu.

One hour later, they heard the doorbell ring. Mira went to attend as she knew it would be them. But she was surprised to meet Abhi along with them.

"Abhi... You here?" She squealed in happiness.

"Ahem Ahem. I think someone forgot her Akka and is only concerned about her new friend."

Mira heard her akka complaining. She quickly pulled her in a hug not paying any heeds. She was so happy to meet them. They went inside and met Savitri and Prabhakar.

After chitchatting, they went to freshen up. Aaryan was changing after a warm shower and found Nandu fiddling with her fingers deep in thoughts. He went near her and held her shoulders.

"What is it now? You seem to be tensed about something."

Nandu looked at him with a worried look. "I was thinking... How to present Abhi's matter to Chikkamma and Chikkappa. I am tensed about their reaction ". She shared her worry.

"Well, I am even more worried about Mira's reaction." Aaryan sighed.

"Yes handling her is difficult. Especially when she still have weird dreams about that man. I don't understand why he don't spare her even in dreams. Wish I know what exactly had happened to her. But I know she was hurt to the core and I don't want that to happen to MY SISTER AGAIN."

Aaryan sensed pain, helplessness and anger in her voice. He hugged her tight comforting her.

"Let us see. First let Abhi speak to her and meanwhile we will present it to Uncle and Aunty."

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