Part 7

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Heylo Dearos,

I am back with the next chapter. Thanks for all the lovely comments. Means a lot to me.

Hope you enjoy this chapter too.. Comments are appreciated ! :)


Days went in a jiffy. All the shopping was done. Guests were invited. 

More than the bride and groom, the excitement was more visible in their family's faces. Nandita and Aaryan decided to keep it as a low key affair. Fans and media never spared a chance to ask them about the wedding date. But they made them believe it wasn't fixed yet.

As per Aaryan's decision, the wedding was to happen at her home town. Aaryan and family were to reach Bangalore 5 days prior to the wedding for the pre-wedding rituals. In order to avoid paparazzi, Aaryan and Abhi reached separately at their place earlier and stayed at Mira's home. Anu was more than happy to spend time with them along with Mira. They had one gala time. For this reason, Nandita had to stay at her home only as they couldn't stay at one place before the wedding. Aaryan got along with Savitri and Prabhakar whereas Abhi spend most of his time with Anu and Mira. They got to know about each other a lot in these days.

Mira was a star already. She was talented. In dance, music and drawing. Abhi and Anu always made her sing their favorite songs and Mira never ever complained for that. She was happy to sing. Abhi was quite impressed with her singing and recorded it in his mobile while she sang for them.

They planned to do a dance performance at their Sangeet. Mira did the choreography and since they were a gang of three, Abhi had to be there on stage for the whole song along with Mira and Anu being paired up alternatively. They selected some romantic songs which was Nandu's favorite. Though Mira took it sportively, Anu was very much happy dancing along with him. She danced her part whole heartedly and she knew that she was falling hard for him.

Each and every time she made mistake, he helped her by correcting it and patiently taught her the right moves. For one step, he had to lift her up in his arms and Mira tactfully gave that step to Anu. Abhi, though a bit hesitant still did that for the performance. They composed the whole performance within 3 days and practiced it during the free time. Aaryan was happy to them.

Then came the next confusion. Mira wanted to gift Nandu something very personal and that she would cherish it for the lifetime. But she couldn't find any.

It was just 4days to the wedding. She was sitting in her swing chair at the balcony, deep in thoughts. Abhi was searching for Aaryan and found her there. He slowly went to her.

"Hello Ms. Dreamer. Thinking something serious? He asked with a smile.

"Hey Abhi, No. I was just thinking." She sighed and continued. "Actually yes. I am confused".

"For what?" he asked.

"Errmm... I want to gift akka something she would cherish for the whole lifetime. And I couldn't find any yet." He noticed her face fell down then.

Abhi thought for few moments and remembered seeing some of her paintings in their drawing room. "Why don't you draw a portrait of Annaya and Vadina's? I have noticed some of your works. It is good and perfect. I am sure she will love it."

Mira's face brightened up and she smiled at him whole heartedly.

"OMG yes ... Thanks Abhi. You know she have asked me once and I completely forgot about it. She will be happy if gift her this." Mira was extremely happy with the suggestion and so was Abhi.

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