Part 20

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Heylo dearos,
I know I am quick in giving you updates now..
Just let me know if you think i need to give you guys time to sink in..
I will give one day gap rather than torturing you all with daily updates ;)


Few days passed by !!!
It has become a daily routine for Aaryan to drop Nandu to the hospital. She spend most of the time near Vaishu, telling stories about Miru, Herself and her family.
Doctors said there was improvement in her condition and her response to medicines are quite good.

Nandu felt some sort of happiness

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Nandu felt some sort of happiness.
She wanted a companion for life.
Though she have got Aaryan, there are certain things which can be only shared with your girl bestie.

Mira wasnt just a sister for her.
She was her soul mate, best friend, partner in crime.
One who read her mind effortlessly.
And Nandu lost a part of her soul through Mira.
She was grieving from inside.
But, somehow Vaishnavi's presence helped her to recover from the mishap.

To be precise, both the girls found solace in each other's presence. She have asked her personal helper chinnamma to be with Vaishu at night during her absence.

Aaryan was silently witnessing the changes in Nandu

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Aaryan was silently witnessing the changes in Nandu. She has detatched herself from him and became more close towards Vaishu. But he didnot question her as he knew this was the best thing to do as they are healing each other's wound in this way.

Both were facing similar situation.
Carrying similar fate !
May be in this way, Nandu will be able to confess the truth to Vaishu once her health is OK.

He had already informed her parents about Nandu's growing closeness towards Vaishu. Even they visited her at times. Hospital charges were taken care by Aaryan and Nandu.
In between, he had enquired about her where abouts.

Where exactly Vaishu had her relations.

He came to know that the orphanage she was brought up had a management change and have shifted to another place. None of the current residents knew about Vaishnavi.
Then he thought of searching in Chennai. But this was also a tedious task. A huge city like chennai with numerous MNCs and Organizations.
From where do he start? So he thought of waiting untill she gains consiousness back.

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