Chapter three

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I watch as the girl's head fall back when she faints. I watch it happen in slow motion. I could have stopped her head from hitting the ground but I was paralysed as I recognised what she is. Who she is to me. I couldn't move nor say anything.

Shouldn't I be happy that I found her? I have always wanted to but not now. I always thought I would find her in my late twenties like my uncle Dylan but I guess I was wrong.

I guess I'm so wrong because right in front of me, laying on the ground is my mate... and she is a human.


"Damn it Mike! You really had to shift right in front of her"Trevor, one of my best friends and my beta says before I hear a slap sound.

I assume that it was him slapping the back of Mike's head because shortly after that I heard Mike's deep "Ow". Mike is one of my best friends, I meet him when I was twelve. His mother and him moved packs. Mike is the definition of 'don't judge a book by its cover'. He is huge, tall and looks fucking intimating but really he's just a big teddy...unless he's angry which he rarely is. In fact I have probably seen the guy angry twice in the ten years I have known him. Once was because someone ate his food and the another was when he found out a kid was getting abused by his father. He has basically adopted the kid and now is living with him and his mother. I think it hit him harder because his own father was abusive growing up. The kids father is gone, I know what happened as the Alpha but we don't talk about it.

"How was I supposed to know she was here. Look how tiny she is"

"Err I don't know maybe use your fucking nose!"Trevor snaps.

"I wasn't thinking okay! You were all frozen and I wanted to know what caught your attention"I heard Mike reply.

"Did you ever think maybe there was a reason for that"Trevor snaps again.

"Yes. That's why I came"he says in a duh tone.

"Will you two shut up!"my other friend snaps.

I assume it was Lex who spoke this time.

"Cameron man we got to move"I hear him say to me but I don't move"They're closing in and we are definitely out numbered. We stay, we will leave here alive but bloody"

This snaps me out of my trance. If we stay, they could get to my mate because I would bee to busy fighting them off. I quickly shift back to my human self. I see

"What are we going to do with the girl?"Trevor asks nodding at her.

"She's coming with"

They look at each other. Lex shrugs and goes to pick her up but a growl stops him. They all look at me and that's when I realised that it came from me.

-mine. Mine. Mine-

Now is not the time to be possessive.

-mine mine mine-

"Let's go before they reach us"I say casually like nothing happened.

I start to turn around but stop because my wolf wanted to jump out and attack Lex when he went to pick her up again. A growl escaped again.

"What the hell man?"Lex snaps.

I huff and walk up to her. She has her hands above her head and her head is tilt to the side. She is beautiful, I would give her that. Her lips were pink and full. She had a fair skin, her hair was long. Too long. Black. It looked beautiful against her skin.

Ignoring my nudity, I pick her up. I could feel my friends eyes on me but I ignore them. It was a good thing I took the car with me because driving my bike with a passed out girl would've not been a good idea.

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