Chapter twenty

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy...."

It is one of my best friend's brother and I'm trying to put a big smile on my face like everything is okay.

Like I didn't get rejected by my choice one.

Like no one overheard my conversation with my mate.

I try to remind myself that today is not about me. It's about Liam. He is turning 23 today. This year is extra special because it's his golden birthday whatever that means.

I know Aunty Mi na knows about my cold rejection. Probably everyone here does. If they didn't, they do today if their pitiful glances don't say otherwise.

She literally dumped me before we even started dating properly. She broke things off in my mother's house. Practically in front of my family. Talk about embarrassment. That was my bad. Firstly I didn't think that my family would listen and secondly I really thought the noise they were making would conceal our conversation. It did not.

The perfect way to humble a guy.

I have never really dated anyone before. I don't know how to be a good boyfriend. What I do know is that I wasn't terrible. I didn't pressure her into things because I was raised right and that's not something I'm interested in doing. I don't want her to regret things after doing it.

I don't remember much of the argument during the dumping I was receiving. My wolf and I were at war with each other. I may have said something I know I would regret. I just can't get the unbothered look she was sending me out of my head. Acting like she wasn't ripping my wolf and I into pieces.

I know it sounds dramatic and unrealistic since I had only known the girl for a month but that's literally what it felt like.

I have gotten couple of glares from my family when I walked out of the room. I couldn't stay there knowing they knew everything that went down. I couldn't stay there at all. I couldn't watch her walk away from me so I did it.

I made her watch me walk away.

And that didn't make me feel any better. All it left me with is what ifs.

What if she changed her mind but I was already gone.

Sometimes when I have a lot on my shoulders, I freeze out the world and I'm in my own little world. My mum hates it when I do that, she says I'm numb and uncaring. The reality is I'm trying to think of the best way to deal with a situation.

I do need to start talking more to my friends, I know they can help me but I didn't want to tell them about what I was thinking about. I just felt like it was too personal.

It doesn't matter anyways. She's gone back to her boring life.

-you sound like a dick and very bitter-

That's because I feel very bitter and like a huge dick.

I mean it's Liam's birthday.

I haven't seen him for months and I should try and focus on him. Make sure he has a good time and save him from Aunty Mi na because she can be overbearing sometimes. That's just how mum's are.

"Hey man"

A hand claps me on the back. I groan and look to my side.

There stood my first best friend other than my twin. I automatically plaster on a smile and give him a arm hug.

"Where is your mate?"Liam asks as he pulls away.

My fake smile falters and I send a glare to my longest friend. He pulls his hands up as if he's surrendering. I sigh.

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