Chapter forty one

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Okay so my eyes are bugged out. Like seriously out of their socket bugged out. So bugged out that it's starting to hurt. My jaw was on the floor, tongue rolled out and on the floor like a freaking carpet.

I kid you not, my mind was blown as in it's not in my head anymore. It's out of space. My mind was gone.

I couldn't believe what I was heard.

We were all at Cameron's house. You could cut the tension with a freaking knife. Thomas was parked by the door and Steve was on the floor, back to the wall. Their jaw were on the floor along with mine.

Apparently before I decided to popped back from the dead, Olivia's words not mine, shit was dropped. Things that were mind blowing. They were on their way to Calvin and Charlotte's house to clear things up before I entered the scene. This meant that I had
bad timing.

So get this. Charlotte thinks - no scratch that - truly believes that Joe - my Joe- my boss and friend Joe is her dad. I'm not kidding. She is so convinced that she's his daughter, on the other hand Joe looked like he was having out of body experience.

She broke him and I mean she really broke him. He sat there blinking at Charlotte. He can't even form sentences properly. He would open his mouth then shut it.

He was in shock. I knew he was in shock because he hadn't said anything to me. I didn't think he even registered I was back. He looked helpless and I really felt for him. I felt for both of them.

She was crying in his arms and telling him that she knew he was out there always, that she just knew. She wished she continued to look for him. She felt guilty. It was killing her. I could see it, Joe could see it, everyone in the house could see it.

Joe being the sweet man he was, patted her back without saying anything bad. He knew she needed to let this out so he let her.

Gia was near him and she had a thoughtful look on her face. She hadn't said anything to Joe. In fact she hadn't said a word other than to tell me that she's happy to see me and laying a big kiss on my cheeks.

Olivia, on the other hand hasn't left my side, since we came into the house. I didn't want to be around everyone naked so Lily got me some clothes from my room and I changed into them before going back to Cameron.

He didn't want to let me out of his sight. I had to promise him that I was going to come back to him as soon as I changed clothes. Lily had to step in and he reluctantly let me go.

I was on Cameron's lap and Olivia held my hands giving no crap whether it looked weird or not and I had let her. I needed this just as much as she did.

Lily and Cindy helped with getting drinks and snacks for everyone. They wanted everyone to feel comfortable in this tense situation.

Charlotte was a beautiful woman, she had this thick blonde hair that looked full even with her youngest daughter hiding her gums up them. She was in her early forties but she looked ten years younger. That being said she had one ugly crying face.

I had to bite my tongue just to stop me from laughing out loud.

There was nothing funny about this situations. It was tense but it was also much more. It was painful to just witness it so I knew it was worst to experience it. I didn't think it was smart to laugh out loud so I didn't.

"And then I came home and I didn't want to tell you anything. That's why I stayed out all day so you don't see my face and know I was crying but I walked in and then you had to. You just had to ask me what's wrong and I stupidly started crying and told you everything because you were my best friend and I couldn't keep anything from you. You called Tom and he came down. You didn't tell him what happened and I know why because it would have broken him. Mum and I never gotten along. She didn't like me much but she loved Tom and Tom loved her back. Maybe not like he loved you but loved her enough to be blinded by her actions. You didn't tell him because you just knew so I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him when he woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me you were gone. That he couldn't feel you anymore. That you didn't come home and you have never, not ever not come home dad. You were always there. I had the chance to tell him what I told you but I kept it to myself and for the next six years I lived in hell. I kept it to myself because I was afraid he would disappear like you did. I was twelve and naive. I didn't want another person just disappearing. He thought you died and it broke him. He was broken dad. He wasn't himself anymore."

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