Chapter ten

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Charlotte grins and says "going somewhere?"

What do I do?

Lie of course.

"I was just opening the door so the house can get fresh air"I awkwardly say.

"Mmhm sure you were"she replies not believing my lie at all.

I don't blame her. I suck at lying. Only when I have to lie on the spot. It's hard to come up with a lie on to spot, especially when you're not that creative.

"Locke came over upset"she starts.

I don't say anything.

"I don't think I have ever see Locke upset before. He is usually a happy kid"

I shrug. Pretending I don't care but I did. Damn it I did. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him even though that is exactly what I was trying to do.

"Wanna tell me about it?"she tilts her head to the side and access me.

"Not really"I reply.


"We are going to talk about it"she says matter of fact.

I sigh and snap "I was being a jerk. And said something about a chick not respecting him or something. Apparently he doesn't like to be told things even if it's true"

"Ahh the famous Lia"

So she knows about her.

"That boy has been mad about her since he was 9."she says shaking her head. "She seems like the girl next door but she's something else that one"

Finally someone who sees what I see.

"I have seen those texts, she knows what she is doing. I don't like it. Locke is a great guy and he doesn't deserve to be treated like that."I say then pause when I realise what I was saying.

"He doesn't deserve what I said to him. I was a douchebag. I think I really hurt his feelings"I say softly feeling guilty.

"Wasn't that your mission?"she hits on the target.

I clenched my jaw and glare at the woman that I'm starting to respect. Her eye brow were raised and she gave me a look that says 'don't bother lying to me'.

"I guess I wanted to make him angry."


"What is this? Therapy? Are we here to talk about feelings and crap?"

"No. I'm just trying to understand you better. That's all"

"Why?"I ask sounding exhausted.

She lets out a sigh, looks away for a second as if considering something before she turns back to me and says

"If things go the way it's suppose to go. You will be part of my family"

I give her a weird look, not reply.

She sighs and puts a arm around me and starts walking. I guess we are going for a walk.

"Okay don't get all weird when I tell you this"she starts.

"Okay"I trail hoping she just say it fast.

"I'm a wolf. A shifter. As a part wolf. I-we have a mate."

"A mate? As in someone to breed with?"

"Yes kind of. It's more than that. It's a soulmate. You're other half. Each person was born with a soulmate and they either end up with them or not. Usually when we find each other, we try to make things work. Some people don't find their mates so they settle for another. Having a mate is something beyond anything. It's true love. You feel things you don't ever feel for anyone else even if you try. The connect you have is beyond this world. Openly if you open up to it"

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