Chapter seventeen

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"Pass me the nuts"

"What dez nuts"I say picking up the bag full of nuts and using a vine reference.

I thought it was funny, Cameron on the other hand did not.

Okay then.

Tough crowd.

Things had been going great between him and I until this morning. I think it has something to do with last night.

We were laying down, on the carpet near the fireplace. My head was on his chest and we were talking softly. It was just him and I, Locke doesn't stay over anymore. Something told me it was because of me.

Every since I brought the Lia thing up, we haven't been the same. He's civil to me, talks to me and includes in conversation but there is a strain in our relationship.

I'm slowly losing the respect I had for him. I mean I understand what I did was wrong but he's just prolonging thing between us. Even though he's acts civil, he's always stiff and acts like he doesn't want to be around me which makes me uncomfortable.

He's just hurt because I told him the truth. Maybe I didn't do it the right way and maybe it was coming from the wrong person. Everyone tips toes around it and avoids talking about it. I asked Enzo once why they haven't made him see the truth and Enzo said something.

He said"you can't make someone see the truth. And I can't make someone learn a lesson."

I tried to a smartass and remind him of what he said before about his siblings learning from his lesson.

"My siblings went through that journey with me. They saw how I was. Even though no one was saying anything bad about it because come on."he gestures to himself as if saying looking at me, I'm perfect.

"It made me feel cheap. It felt like someone invaded my privacy and-"he was going to continue and say something but he meant have remembered what the original conversation was about.

"As I was saying, it is his journey and believe it or not Locke is a smart man. He would see through her very soon. Maybe he always does but ignores it. There is no point of us telling him something that he doesn't believe. He's just going to push him further away from learning the truth. It's going to turn ugly and the most important reason why we are not making him see the truth is because... it's not our business"

He over annunciate the last sentence to push his point.

I asked him if he cared about Locke.

He said quite firmly"Locke is a brother. Love the guy. But again I can't make him see something that he believes it's not there. He will see it one day."

I didn't say anything back. Because Enzo is right... it's not my business.

Why did I care so much?

I knew why I cared so much.

Even though he is acting like a douchebag, Locke is a good man. I just don't like seeing someone treating him like he's nothing or second choice. Like they did to me. It's not a nice feeling. It sucks.

Last night Cameron and I were talking about our past.

"Why don't you have many people looking for you?"he asked.

I knew he was looking down at me but I didn't meet his eyes. I did however avoid his eyes.

"I moved around quite a lot"I said quite frank hoping that we don't follow down this path.

One of his hand moved in my hair and the other on layer limb on my stomach.

"Because of your mum"

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