Chapter six

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"So she's your mate" bear confirms


"Holy...."Bear trailers of.

"Isn't this a good thing?"Locke questions.

"A good thing? The guy is mourning for his freedom."Enzo the man whore says.

We all roll our eyes.

"Man. This is a good thing"Bear says "Do you know how lucky you're to find your mate so young"

"I know. It's not that"

"You not happy with your pairing?"Locke guesses.

"No! That is not it"I say firmly.

Ryan is hot. There is no doubt about that. She's is fiery and stubborn which is great and also not so great. I see long arguments in the future. I know she's not going to roll over and accept everything I say. I like that about her but it's going to cause me a lot of headaches.

I mean just today, she argued about how nasty it is that I drink milk straight from the carton rather than putting it in a cup first and I understand that. It's just something I'm used to. Plus it wasn't like it was full carton. It was nearly empty which is why I done it. I'm not as inconsiderate as she thinks I am.

She was sitting in the high chairs in my kitchen eating cereal in my favourite blue bowl-which by the way I ignored because she didn't know any better-and was just staring off in space. I didn't say anything to her. She didn't say anything to me. I walk to the fridge and got the milk out. After I swallowed down couple gulps of milk.

And then out of no where she just throws a fit. I just stood there confused.

"That's just nasty. Locke and I are staying here too. We are drinking that milk too"

She hasn't even been in my house for 48hours and she's already acting like she owns the house.

"When you buy the groceries that you can say something about it. This is my house and my milk!"

This was apparently the wrong thing to say because got up and walked straight to me.

She was so short, she didn't even reach my chin.

"Listen you jerk! I done my own groceries, had my own apartment. Sure it wasn't as fancy as this but it was mine and you took that away from me. You're forgetting that I don't want to be here"

That last sentence stung me more than I could admit. I didn't understand why. I wasn't attached to her. I just met her and so far she was a pain my ass.

"You won't let me go home so I'm stuck here. That means you will have to be considerate with the people staying here"

"Locke doesn't mind. He does it too"

She gagged.

"I don't think I can finish my cereal. You ruin my charms time."she starts to say looking away looking pitiful.

Her hands go to her face and I see her shoulders start to shake. She wasn't making any noise. I started to feel really bad.

Ryan essentially got kidnapped, found out there is more to the world than meets the eye. She's now staying with complete strangers. A three year old wants her neck. I'm surprised it took her this long to break. Normal people who have broken the minute the saw Bear shift.

I started to feel guilty because I have taken her from what she had always known and I have no idea what to do to make her feel better. The shake increases and it only made me feel more guiltier.

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