Chapter forty six

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"S'up Joe"I greeted him as I walked into the motel room they were staying in like I owned the place.

He glanced up at me, gave me a nod then returned back to his newspaper.

I wasn't offended. That was just how Joe was. He wasn't much of a talker, in fact he spoke more this past month than the four years I had known him for. Okay maybe I was exaggerating a bit.

I walked up to him and planted a noisy kiss on his cheek surprising both him and I. Joe was a good friend of mine and pretty much the closest thing I had to a father. We were as close as friends, boss and employees could be but I had never kissed him on the cheeks or gave him a hug for no reason. It just wasn't us. It wasn't me but I was happy.

I literally had a bounce on my step. I was glowing. I felt like a whole new person.

All because I got me some. Who would have thought that all I needed to get the stick out of my ass was to have sex with the hottest, sexiest, most delicious man I know. Sex was great. I loved it!

Cameron and I had been going at it since we started. It got to the point Cameron hid from me and I had to drag him back to bed for another round. This heat business was terrible, not for me, but for Cameron.

Cameron was back home sleeping his ass off so he didn't know I broke out to visit Joe. I had no idea where I was going but lucky I saw Locke on the way. He was startled when he saw me, especially without Cam with me. He was about to walk me back home but I sweet talked him and played the 'I once died' card and he just rolled on the floor and let me walk on him.

He walked me to the motel, which wasn't too far from Charlotte's house and told me to call him when I was done so he could walk me back home up. I reframed from rolling my eyes and snapping at him and instead nodded at him dutifully and told him that I would do just that, not reminding him that I didn't have a phone yet so I didn't have a way to call him.

It was ridiculous, just because I got kidnapped once and pretty much died, they basically got me cuffed to the bed. I positively sure I could walk back home by myself without a chauffeur or being attacked by someone. I would like to think that I learned my lesson. Plus Cameron and I had been training. Okay so I wasn't the best but I think I could take a were b*tch down. Note that I said a, as in singular. If they come in a pack, I might as well lie on the floor and tell them to have at it.

I might been okay fighter when fighting a b*tch who provoked me for no reason but fighting werewolf assholes was something I haven't mastered the skill at. But with the training I have been doing and the amount of times my ass hit the mat, I better learn.

"What was that for?"Joe asked.

I smiled down at him.

I shrugged.

"Can't I give the best man I know a hug?"I asked not expecting an answer.

He raised his brow.

"Am I the best man you know?"he asked not buying into my words.

I shrugged again. "You're alright I guess"

I stole a biscuit from the coffee table and finished it in three bites.

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