Chapter four

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The top dog left leaving me with baldy, bear and the blonde guy. All equally hot as hell but unfortunately I can't enjoy myself objectifying them, you know? As I'm kidnapped. Aren't kidnapped supposed to be ugly?

"You hungry?"Blondie asks.

Did he grow a heart in the last five minute?

"Fine suit yourself"

Crap I said that out loud. Well damn. I am hungry but I wasn't going to beg him for food now that he took his offer away. I will just wait until he asks again. Let's hope my stomach doesn't


Damn it!

"Looks like you're hungry"Blondie smirks and damn it if I didn't melt a bit.

Blondie was hot as fuck no doubt. With his long blond hair that he put in a messy bun. He is tall maybe 6 ft 3, with muscular body, trim waist and a tight ass. Yes I looked, it was there in front of me. He had a little scar on his left brow making him look more dangerous than the sweet man next door. His lips were pale pink, not too small and not too big. He has blue or maybe green eyes, depending on the lighting. I don't know, I didn't look long enough to tell, I was busy staring at his ass. He had a neck tattoo that probably went on to his arm but I can't tell since he is wearing a long sleeve.

"I will get you lucky charms"he says before walking away.

I turn my eyes to Lex Luther beside me. He hasn't given me much attention. He looks almost bored. From what I could tell Lex is an asshole, but he is one sexy asshole and that's a fact, no cap. Even in his no hair and no eye brows state. It's a shame he sucks. He has piercing grey eyes and what looks like a natural tan skin.

"So sweets you got a name"big bear I heard them call him says to me.

The name is fitting because this dude is a giant. He's 6 ft 6 maybe 6 ft 7 but I can never be sure. Big bear had olive skin tone and light brown eyes which was so warming and welcoming. He off course was sexy too. What was this? The sexy only club?

"Yeah I got a name"is all I said.

Because duh. Such a dumb question. The room grew silent and I knew they were waiting for me to continue but I didn't. Off course I didn't, I didn't know these people. Sexy or not, they are dangerous and I'm keeping my lips tight.


Really? Haven't I learnt my lesson with that jerk? Good looking boys are dangerous for both my heart and my life.

"How about we share our names first so you can feel comfortable enough to share yours"big bear says.

I shrug.

"I'm Mike but people call me big bear."he introduces himself.

"This is Kane but everyone calls him Lex names after Lex Luther"he gestures at his friend who is still looking away uninterested.

"Why? It is because he's bald?"I innocently ask.

What? Can't a girl make simple conversation with her kidnappers.

Big bear snorts which makes Lex glare at him causing the big guy to laugh. He then turns his pissy eyes to me and I have to mentally stop myself from flinching back.

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