Chapter thirty nine

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Dad stared at Joe like he too had seen a ghost but thankfully he didn't fainted like my mother did. He opened and closed his mouth couple of time.

It started to get weird. No one should ever look at a person that long. I knew that because my dad knew that and yet he stood there staring at another man like he couldn't believe his eyes.

He blinked at Joe, accessed the man like he was a mythical creature then like before opened his mouth to say something then quickly shut it not knowing what to say.

It was only when my ma almost fell from his arms that he snapped back to reality. He looked at his mate, tucked some of her stubborn baby hair that you'd often hear her complain about behind her ears only for it to land back on her face. He just moved the hair back off her face without attempting to tuck it back behind her ears again.

As if he couldn't help it, my dad gaze moved back to Joe. He looked like he had truly seen a ghost and was afraid that if he removed his eyes from it, it would disappear.

"Dad why do you look like you've seen a ghost"my sister asked sounding weirded out.

My dad didn't move his eyes from Joe but answered

"Because I think I'm seeing one"


All that could be hear was the birds tweeting and the sounds the leaves made when the wind pushed them around.

We were all confused and waited for my dad to continue and explain to us what was going on but instead my dad shook his head then looked back down at his wife who was still passed out in his arms.

My dad held my mother with one arm and tapped her cheeks with the other whilst Lily went in my house to get some water for my mother.

When Lily hurried back, my dad moved my mum closer to him but pulled her up straight. Ma's eyes flattered open.

She stared up at her mate and he looked back down.

"What happened?"she asked, her voice soft.

"You fainted"he answered.

Suddenly energised, ma jumped from my dad's arm and pointed at his face in warning.

"Calvin Lee Mitchell, you better have not gotten me pregnant again!"

"Woman!"is all my dad said.

"I'm serious Cal! There is only so much gum in my hair I can take"

"Only Sky does that"Lily said. "The rest of us were perfect."Lily hopefully added.

Then shrugged before saying "But mum's right dad. No more kids I don't want to learn another name"

My dad opened his mouth to say something but I had to cut in or this would never end. Knowing my family, they could go on for ever.

"Can everyone just focus!"I demanded.

Ma turned to face, ready to tell me off about my tone but froze when her eyes met Joe.

If her eyes rolled back again, I was going to lose my shit.

I wanted to say 'don't you dare faint again' but knowing ma, she would probably make herself faint just to show me who's boss. I know you can't physically make yourself faint but my mum, she's something else and she would manage to do it somehow.

She didn't faint, lucky. Instead she walked closer to Joe. It seemed like she was dragging her legs, forcing them to work and do what they existed to do.

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