Chapter forty two

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"Look at it"I pointed to my stomach.

"Looking"his eyes flicked back to mine in question.

"Does it look like I have abs?"I asked an amused looking Cameron.

"Babe you have only been at this for three days"was his reply.


"So you won't have abs with three days workout"

I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask if I had abs. I asked if it looked like I had abs"

"In that case"he started walking closer to me.

I let out a surprised squeal when he lifted me up and attacked my belly with kisses. I screeched whilst giggling. My hands were in his hair, trying to pull his head away from my stomach.

"Cameron!"I cried.

After gasping for air, he decided to finally put me down.

"No"he answered.

I slapped his chest when I got my breathing back to normal.

"I have your sweat on my lips"he said wiping off his lips.

"That's what you get for kissing my belly. You weirdo. Who even does that?"

"Apparently I do"he says before lowering his head slightly to give me a peck on my lips. I didn't hesitate to go on my tip toes and return his peck.

He got his sweat towel and his water bottle and I had done the same before we both climbed the stairs.

We slept together every night. As in sleep in the same bed together not you know that. Most of my clothes were in his closet. I didn't put them there, I just woke up one morning and there was my clothes. I looked at Cameron and he shrugged before saying "you sleep here babe, doesn't make sense that your clothes are in other room."

That warmed my heart. The simple action told me so much. He wanted me there. He wanted me to share his space. He didn't want to make it a big deal which is why he never told me he was doing it or even asked if I wanted to do it. He just done it.

Without a doubt, Cameron and mine's relationship had changed. A lot. We touched more as in way more. Normally that would annoy me but I liked it with him. No that's not true. I loved it with Cameron. He was gentle but knew when to be firm. He was sweet and funny. He was still annoying that hasn't changed.

He picked back our routine and he woke me up every morning to sit in the kitchen with him while he made us breakfast.

He hasn't been back at work. No one expected him to be back at work yet even though the shop has been very busy. He was essentially the boss and could decide when he went work and didn't but my man was a workaholic. He loved his job. That being said he loved being around me more and he showed it.

We have been in the house for three days. The first day was interesting and was spent with everyone coming in and out of the house making sure I was settled and very much alive.

Cameron decided to install security alarm for his house. At first I didn't see any point of it seeing as we were both werewolves and can sense if someone is near the house before the alarm can.

He said it was just smart thing to do, it alert us if someone broke into the house when we were both away. With everything that happened recently, he wasn't going to risk anything anymore. People were difficult to understand and with everything going on with Joe, and the mystery surrounding that, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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