Chapter thirty

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Cameron came down from his room and stood in front of me. I tried to move so I can see the tv around him but it wasn't working out. I looked up at him ready to yell but stopped when I saw his confused look.

"Did you."he paused as if he didn't know how to ask what he was asking. He pointed to the stairs with his thumb.

He looked like he didn't know how to put his question out. He was speechless for some reason.

I sat up straighter and turned my head towards the stairs behind me to try and see what he was talking about.

"What?"I asked when I couldn't.

"Did you. Did you iron my boxers?"he asked looking unsure.

Oh. That.

"Why are you surprised?"I snapped at him defensively. "I'm going insane in this house."

I got up at started pacing.

"I mean I haven't done anything and I am in rehabilitation. This feels like prison."

"I am bored out of my mind. I went as far rearranging the kitchen cabinets and all the bathroom cabinets"I started counting with my fingers listing all the things I done to try and cure my boredom.

"I also cleaned your room, done your laundry, ironed and put away your clothes. I rearranged your closet because what the hell was even that. I don't even want you near your closet."I stopped pacing and clapped my hands together loud not enough to startle him but I knew he was taken back.

"Look at my hair"I all but screamed in his face. "What do you see?"

"Umm"I don't even let him answer because let's be honest it was a rhetorical question.

"My hair is perfect."I stated.

"Okay"he looked worried about me.

I gave him a little twirl just so he could see my hair, all of it.

"See! Nothing is out of place. Look at it Cam. Perfect. You're probably wondering how I got my hair to look so perfect. Well you don't have to wait too long to find out. I was watching barbie's dream house today. The episode where she combs through her hair 100 times to make it look perfect. So I thought why not try that? It's not like I'm doing anything."I may or may not have the crazy eyes going on right now.

Cameron may or may not be looking at me like I'm crazy.

"But what's the point of my hair looking like this when no one is going to see it? I'm here looking like a doll for the first time in my life and there is no one here to experience this with me."

"Alright alright damn we will go out"he said giving in.

Apparently crazy works.

"Really?"I said with so much glee that I couldn't hide it.

"Yeah we will make a day out of it or what's left of the day"

I tried to hide my excitement down my acting casual "I mean If we must"

"Pardon? I mean if you don't want to..."

"NO!"I shouted.

I cleared my throat.

"I mean sure. Sounds fun! Where to?"

"That's better. We can catch a movie then go out to the diner, get some milkshakes and burgers"

"Sounds fun"I repeated.

Let's be honest, anything would sound fun at this moment.

"Cool! Let me get ready"he replied but I stopped him.

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