Chapter eight

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It was been six days since I have been taken from reality and placed in this world where shifters exists. I have been doing a good job ignoring Cam, who I know call my roommate in order to keep my sanity and he has been doing a great job staring at me when I ignore him. Actually it's more like glaring. He glares at me. Like all day.

Okay so that might be due to the fact that I'm nice to everyone else but him. The guy just rubs me the wrong way. He has a way to get under my skin like nobody else. I don't like it. So I ignore him because something tells me that he is dangerous and not only because he can snap my neck in half using his teeth.

I'm trying to act as normal as I can. Even though this, my life now is far from normal. Charlotte has come couple times but I always pretend I'm sleeping.
I think she noticed so she has been giving me a bit of space which I'm grateful for. Amy stopped by once and stayed for a quick chat.

I haven't seen the boys much other than Locke who is basically living with Cam. He and I have gotten close. I won't call us friends but he is the closest thing to a friend in this place.

I mean he is sweet and I guess quite funny sometimes. He makes me breakfast which is nice of him. I can't believe I'm saying this but he has become someone special to me. I'm still at the fence and don't trust him. I know if he saw me escape, he will bring me back and probably tell Cameron who I found out was the Alpha. Meaning he's like the big bad wolf in the pack. The boss man or whatever. This fact doesn't help him with the fact that I strongly dislike him.

I dislike that he is keeping me here. I dislike that he has any effect on me. I dislike his face. It's too pretty and I do catch myself staring at him quite often which truly gets on my nerves. At least when Enzo comes over I have another extreme pretty face to look at. Not that Locke isn't as pretty. It's just that I see Locke everyday.

On the fourth day, I tried to escape. Actually that is incorrect I thought of escaping but I couldn't come up with a plan. Especially when Locke is always there to watch my every move. I'm not stupid. I know Cameron decided it was great idea to have someone watch my every move hence my baby sitter. I know Locke is my baby sitter. Locke knows that he is my baby sitter and I definitely know that he knows I know he's my baby sitter.

To be frank, I'm tired of seeing Locke's face. I tried to get him to go out and hang out with friends. But he turned around to tell me that I was fun to hang out with and that he didn't mind. Fun. My. Ass.

I made the mistake of sleeping in front of the television after I finished watching Spider-Man 3. Deep in my sleep, I felt my nose constantly itching. I picked up my hands to itch my noses only to have my nose filled with whipped cream.

Locke then burst out laughing. I sat up, still in my sleep glaze and stared at him. My mind slowly registering what had happened.

"I will get you back"I promised

And I will.

I have lived in foster homes all my life. There were times we won't allowed to use of technology devices so we had to find other way to entertain ourself. We done that by prancing on each other. I always got caught because my pranks were always messy or the other kids often got annoyed because I always took it too far. Even thought they were always as harsh and often start the battle of pranks. Now that I think about it, that might be the reason why I often suddenly got moved to another foster home.

"You know how to cook"Locke asks and states.

I turn to him at the kitchen door. He has his beach blonde hair into a messy bun today. He is wearing a blue crew shirts making his blue eyes somehow stand out even more and black joggers.

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