Chapter twenty six

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I have been spending time with Joe's wife Gia and his stepdaughter Olivia. I absolutely love them because they can pick a girl up when she's feeling down.

Down is exactly how this girl has been feeling and if I am being truly honest I have been feeling like this since leaving Redwood. I knew I made the right decision, long term. I didn't fit in that world. It was a whole new thing for me. Even though Joe and the guys think of me as someone who is strong, when I look at myself in the mirror I see anything but. I'm not strong. If I was strong I wouldn't be wanting and missing Redwood. Why would I want someone who didn't really want me? Probably was playing nice with me so I can have his future Alpha or whatever.

Why do I still think of him when I'm scared. A feeling I had been feeling since that nightmare. I just have this weird that someone is watching me. Night and day. Every single move. Just watching.

Joe asked me what was wrong but I didn't know what to tell him so I said nothing. Nothing is wrong. Even though it was a lie, it was also the truth because nothing was wrong. Nothing bad was happening. I got a great job. I making good friends now that I'm allowing myself to.

I'm finally trying to make Silver creek my home. I have been here all my life, never had I settled or even allowed myself too. When I was younger, I convinced myself I would get adopted soon after all I was the perfect daughter. After 12 I didn't settle because I knew I was going to get kicked out of whatever foster home I was at. Every foster home I stayed with were wary of me because of my colourful record, I was quickly labelled a problem child and most of the things I was accused of wasn't even me. Every time I got a accused of something or fought back, they wouldn't hesitate to kick me out.

Why not kick a girl when she's already down?

Gia, Olivia and I brought a couple of things. I didn't know we were going shopping. It was a surprise thing. I didn't have much money to buy anything so I just joined them for the company. I made the mistake of letting them in my apartment.

They saw my bare walls and my lame excuse for bedroom. I thought they were going to pity me and I was ready to kick them out and cancel our plans but instead they looked angry. They were pissed that I was staying at a crap hole. Their words not mine. They don't like bad words and I kid you not slapped my ass every time I said cuss word.

They took me shopping and brought blankets, pillows, curtains, little decorations, candles and etc. I think I told in the store begging them not to for one hour until the came up with an idea. I can pay them back little by little. I agreed only because I knew I was going to pay them back in my next pay check. Bills be damned.

The good thing was that Cameron or whoever it was actually paid for my bills beforehand. They paid for my rent for the rest of my lease which means they paid for six months. I would either have to find a new place or re-lease this apartment.

I'm starting to really hate this neighbourhood so I'm going to have to look for a new place. Something I tried to tell the girl but they didn't listen, actually that's not true, they reduced the load they were going to buy. I think Gia wanted to buy me an new bed. I can't be sure.

After a long day of shopping, they took me to Olivia house.

I loved being in the company of Gia and Olivia. Gia makes the most delicious cookies ever and even shared her recipe with me. Apparently it was family secrets but since she thinks of me is family she would share with me as along as I don't share it with anyone else. She is short and plump. Like her daughter has curves for days.

Olivia or Livy as she sometimes goes by is amazing, funny and outgoing. She is someone who wears her personality constantly. You can just tell the person she is by her outfit. She designs her own clothes and wears colourful makeup. She's single and plans to stay that way. She makes a mean homemade ice cream. Her house is...also very colourful. I love it because she put her personal touch to it. It also what some would consider a child's dream home. Everything is bright, colourful and happy. It's tidy and her kitchen is awesome. She has everything a person could dream for. Olivia owns her own cake shop and it's very successful.

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