Chapter seven

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"Oh this shoes is nice"Charlotte says in awe.

She picks up this beautiful red high heels and shows it to me. I give her a small smile.

Heels are not my thing. Actually that's a lie. I am fascinated about them but they hate me and often try to break my neck. I try to wear it for a date with him but end up going home after I banged my head on the pavement.

"My daughter Lily would love it!"she exclaims.

"I'm sure she will"I mutter looking away.

I have heard about the infamous daughter of Charlotte and Calvin Mitchell all day. I know I sound jealous but the truth is I am. I'm so jealous of this unknown girl who is loved by her parents so much they are constantly talking about her to a stranger. I found out that Lily and Cam are twins and she went New York for college and then went travelling. So furry people are like humans too. I found out that Lily is into fashion and often picks out her mother's outfits. She has bought outfits aboard and sometimes makes them and sends them to her mum.

I think that's sweet. Even when away, she is still letting her mum know she's thinking about her. Still if I had a mum that loved me like Charlotte loves her daughter, I don't think I would ever leave her sight.

"Oh this top would look so beautiful on you"Charlotte says placing the dark blue top on my chest to assess it more closely.

She gives me a big grin and I return my famous fake one. Her grin falters and she stares at me eyes longer than she should have.

I have always found my eyes weird. He was fascinated about it, it was what drew him to me. I think it's overrated. It only stands out because of my fair skin and my black long hair. My eyes and bring blue with dark blue ring around my cornea. Also the fact that I have big eyes. Something I also hated about myself too. It constantly made me look vulnerable and helpless which made people try to take advantage of me.

"You have unusual eyes"she blurts.


"Thank you..."I say unsurely.

She shakes her head and grabs my arms softly.

"Sorry honey. I just mean it's beautiful."she says.

"Thank you"I repeat but this time I meant it.

"Come on. Let's try this on and go out for lunch"she says looping her arms with mine and making our way to the changing room.

I didn't have to look around to notice that people's questioning eyes were on me wondering who I am.

Well darlings..I'm still asking that question myself everyday.

We buy the total of five outfits and lots of underwear and bras. When the stares started to get overwhelming, Charlotte thought we had done enough shopping and I agreed. The stares were getting out of hand and were making me feel uncomfortable. I heard couple of whispers questioning who I was but ignored it. Charlotte sent them a glare and the hurried off. Still I felt uneasy and she must have seen that so we decided to make lunch home. Her home.

Charlotte and I made small talks. She wanted to know more about me and I'm not a stupid girl so I told her as little as possible. She had no idea I grow up in foster care so when she asked about my mother, I kindly told her I don't want to talk about her. This probably mislead her to believe that my mother wasn't a good mother to me. I didn't miss her pitying glances. It's better for her to feel sorry for me about something that is not true than know the truth and pity me. I didn't need pity.

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