Chapter nineteen

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Deep breaths Ryan. You done this more than a thousand times before.

Just enter the garage.

You don't even have to speak, just go inside, nod and ask what car needs fixing.

Joe cares you even though he never said it. He doesn't really speak much but if he did, he would tell you that.

He knows that you needed the break. He knows your life story.

He's not going to fire you.

And if he does then you are pretty much screwed.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes. I start to hop on the spot.

"What the hell you doing?"a voice asks.

It was deep, gruff and familiar. I open one eye to see Joe, Steve and Thomas staring at me like I have grown three heads. Steve and Thomas are cousins and have been working for Joe for fifteen years. They are about 20 year younger than him even though they don't look that different in age. I know they respect Joe and treat him like a big brother.

"Nothing"I squeal out.

I chew on my bottom lips, a terrible habit that seemed to return. I gulp couple of times and try to avoid Joe's scrutiny.

His nostrils flares, at first I thought he was angry at me but when he doesn't say anything. He stares at me for a beat then furrowing his brow as if he's confused.

"Well well if it isn't the princess"Steve says breaking the awkward silence.

"Hi Steve"I say shyly.

I don't know why I feel so nervous all of the sudden.

His head snaps to his cousin. "Think she's broken man. She's all shy and quiet"

Thomas tilts his head before he sends me a nod then pops his cousin at the back of his head before heading back in. Steven follows him muttering something to him.

Joe and I stare at each other for a couple more second. Then he turns around without saying anything.

What does this mean? Am I not allowed back.

Before I could overthink anymore, I hear Joe voice ask "You gonna stand there or come in"

I don't think I have smiled so big in my life. For the first time in the last couple of days, I want to sing and jump around.

I have an income.

I literally skip behind him.

I was planning on asking him for more hours until I find another job. I know Joe would take me full time but he doesn't need me full time. I could be practically taking money from him. Sure I can find something to do in the shop but I know he would be doing it out of pity. Even the part time he is offering, he doesn't need an extra worker. The rest of my colleagues are pretty young, in their early 40s or late 30s and have been working for him for years.

I enter the garage and look around as if this is my first time seeing it. I kinda miss seeing it. I look around in awe.

I notice that is only five workers working today. Joe's shop is pretty big. It belong to his wife's father, when he retired, he gave it to Joe since his daughter wasn't interested.

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