🍋« Bokuto + Atsumu + Sakusa × Hinata »

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!! LEMON !!

contains: an*l sex, 3 tops and 1 bottom, blow job, couch s*x

Y'all, please don't ask me to do a double penetration because for some reason, I don't like it.

Jsbduisnei wtf am I doing with my life? 😔

In this chapter, the four of them lives together. They just do.

Hopefully, I get Sakusa's personality right this time :D

btw, I still didn't read the manga XD so sorry again if I get their personalities wrong :<


"6 feet away or 6 feet under ground? " Sakusa glares at the blonde while holding his disinfectant spray.

"Omi-omi~ I just wanna touch your hands~ " Atsumu whines.

"For what reason? "

"Because the Author told me to-- I mean because I just want too. Hehe. " Atsumu wiped a sweat as he felt glares from a blank wall.

Meanwhile with Bokuto and Hinata in another couch just watching the two males while laughing.

"Waiiiit, Because Atsumu wanna touch Sakusa's hands, I wanna touch Hinata's hands! " Bokuto excitedly said as he went closer to the tangerine.

"That's such a dumb reason- "

"Sure, Bokuto-san! " Hinata gladly offers his hand for Bokuto to feel.

When Bokuto caressed it, Hinata felt a tingly sensation as the larger hand made contact to his skin but he pays no attention to it.

"Woah, it's so friggin soft! " Bokuto said with amusement as he went and caressed the tangerine's small hand more.

Atsumu went closer to the Tangerine and caressed his other free hand. He caressed it with his two hands and was surprised when it was really smooth and soft. He thought that Bokuto was just overreacting.

"What the- You literally spike everyday but your hands is still this smooth? " Atsumu says while still caressing the tangerine's hand.

"What if... " He whispers to himself.

"Is it really that soft? I do- Nggh~! " The tangerine made a gasp-like moan as he felt a hand caressed his inner thigh. He quickly pulled out his hand from Bokuto and sat far from the two males while blushing furiously.

"What the- "

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't e-expect that to c-come out of my m-mouth like t-that. " He immediately explains while stuttering. His whole body was red as he looked away from the males. Not wanting any eye contact.

Little did he know, the three males actually liked his cute reaction. And they wanted to hear more.

So Sakusa being the closest to Hinata, Gets closer to his back and leans down to touch the tangerine's inner thighs with two hands. He felt oddly aroused as the tangerine moan his name close to his ear.

"Omi-san~ aAhh~ "

He was confused, He wanted to touch the tangerine more, he wanted him to moan his name, he wanted to kiss him, he wanted to do dirty things with him even though he don't like being dirty.

He removes his mask and to his surprised, he kissed him. He moves his lips and the tangerine moves his too. The germaphobic male puts his tounge inside and explored the tangerine's mouth while slowly making his hands go inside the tangerine's shirt, playing with his nipples and earning a moan while kissing.

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