forty four.

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Mannat and Wafaa are both breaking my heart fuck

Love you guys.


Where's she's naked in her room and he can't resist. Again.

It was cold, she was in her bedroom and she was naked underneath the sheets. She did not remember why she had taken off her clothes but she was pretty sure that it wasn't her, it was her husband instead. She remembered how tired he was last night and how much he wanted to feel her body against his. She just didn't realise that it meant her without any clothes.

Now here she was, at two in the day with no sight of her husband. She knew he had slipped out of the bed at ten in the morning, since he had to meet with Malik Ibrar.

There wasn't anything uncomfortable about being naked anyway. She removed the duvets away and got up from the bed, her eyes going straight to the mirror as she found herself quite literally.. completely naked.

She found a sweatshirt on the loveseat and her underwear near the edge of the bed. She was just about to bend down and wear her underwear when the door opened. She wasn't startled, since no one dared to enter without knocking other than the man she was married to.

He closed the door behind him, leaning against the wooden frame as he smirked, laying his eyes on her.

She groaned at the way he kept staring, with eyes full of playfulness and lust.

"I left you naked," He purred, coming towards her.

"And I come back with you still naked." He pointed, his finger lifting her chin up at him.

"At this point, I don't even remember how you look in your clothes." He teased, causing her to smack her hand against his chest as she tried to put on the underwear.

Wajeeh made a sound of protest in his throat. She only laughed, apkaot squealing when his hands sneaked around her waist and he lifted her up, his teeth biting down on her shoulder blade.

"Let me wear some clothes.." She whined, hungry as she hadn't even ate breakfast yet.

"You really think I'll let you put them on now?" He asked, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Mannat hummed, nodding.

"What if I say please?" She asked, turning around to face him.

His eyes stared at her bare chest.

"No." He denied, holding her close.

"But I'm hungry." She protested.

Wajeeh laughed out loud, his eyes glimmering in amusement.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll feed you."

She didn't even have the time to come up with a response because he was kissing her a second later.

Where he catches her dancing and can't take his eyes off, even when he wants to.

He did not even know why he was going upstairs when he could have just handed her things over to Nasreen. Still, he found himself walking up the stairs with a box of chocolates in his hand. He knew she liked chocolates and he was in Karachi for a day, had bought way too many things for Mannat who had not accompanied him on the journey since it was work-related.

He was walking by the hotels gift shop, and he just couldn't help as his eyes laid on the god awful almond chocolates that he had found her eating quite a few times.

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