Mind Your Buisness David! ッ

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~Third Person Pov~

"Y/N GET UP WE ARE LATE!"  A very stressed out Hinata yelled shaking the sleeping girl.

But why was Hinata in Y/n's house?

Y/n finally opened her e/c eyes after many alarms being dismissed and shouts from family members. It had to take Hinata to shake her awake "Huh? Hinata why are you in my room?"

"Your mum let me in since you weren't ready."

"Wait...how long do I have to get ready?"

Hinata got his phone out and shoved it in Y/n's face, she squinted her eyes reading the time, it then clicked that she didn't have enough time to do her normal routine, she pounced out of bed while Hinata watched the girl frantically run around her room speaking "Well school starts in 17minutes and you have to get dressed and we need to bike to school which takes 30minutes so hurry up!"

With that said, Hinata shut the door behind him leaving the girl to get change and go to the kitchen to eat some food that Y/n's mum has made.

"I DONT KNOW WHY YOU DIDNT JUST LEAVE WITHOUT ME!" Y/n shouted from her room putting on her uniform, well trying due to putting on her hoodie the wrong way round.

She couldn't be bothered to do her hair because it would just get ruined by the wind like always. So she ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth making a mental note to set multiple alarms. Probably around 10.

She grabbed her bag from the floor and stumbled towards the stairs. Missing a couple at the bottom by jumping, she ran to the kitchen to grab a box of cereal. She shoved the box in her bag and put two bowls and one spoon and a fork inside, zipping it shut.

On the way to the door she yanked Hinata off his chair who was eating some toast and shoved him out the door leaving her to put on her school shoes. Shutting the door quite aggressively she grabbed her bike and rode quickly to school with Hinata.

"Hinata Im going to go in the store real quick! You can go in if you want." Y/n informed him breaking and placing the bike on the outside wall of the shop.

"Nah it's fine we are already 25minutes late, i'll come in with you." Hinata replied placing his bike next to Y/n's.

The automatic doors opened when Hinata and Y/n walked in side by side.

This brought attention of Ukai. He rose and eyebrow and checked the time on the clock, clearing his throat he got the attention of the two. "School started 25minutes ago why aren't you there?"

Hinata stopped in his tracks rubbing the back of his neck, Y/n sighed walking to the refrigerated area grabbing a mini bottle of milk. "I- umm Well you see..." Hinata stumbled on his words not knowing what to tell his coach. Should he lie? or tell the truth?

Y/n walked up to the counter placing the milk and the money down "We both live 30minutes away and I woke up late...like really late meaning he waited for me. But it was kinda scary seeing a human tangerine shaking me awake while screaming in my face!"

Ukai chuckled reminiscing of when he was their age, when something similar happened to him, let's just say he wasn't the best behaved.
"I won't keep you here any longer so get to school! See you at practice." He said giving Y/n her change, waving them off.

"Yessir" She saluted impersonating a solider spinning on her heels and walking out, Hinata just nodded and followed after.

"Why do need milk anyways?" Hinata said watching Y/n unzipping her bag placing the milk inside.

"Well i missed breakfast so i'm going to eat it in class." She said zipping up her bag throwing it over her shoulders.

"Let's go! Get ready to not laugh at the vice principal telling us not be late on the first day back." Y/n giggled getting on her bike.

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