Ah Fuck I Can't Believe You've Done This ッ

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~y/n's pov~

The bell rang 10minutes ago for the final lesson to start before the end of the day.

I should be sitting in the classroom like a normal student but noooooooooooooooo

I'm in the principals office as I have to write an apology for throwing a paper ball at the teachers face... YES that sounds bad but i promise i didn't do it on purpose...😏

I sat at a little desk in the corner of the office, i had a clear view of the door as it was left open so i was able to see who walked past, in and out of the room.

The desk was graffitied from different students who had to sit in this exact spot.

I decided to add it but as i was reading each and everyone of the writing i saw nishinoya's name. So i decided to write below it...

'y/n was here '

Quickly looking around i noticed the principal was distracted due to him fixing his wig. I pulled out my phone to take a quick picture of it so i could ask later what he did to sit at the desk of shame.

Hearing a knock at the door i swiftly placed my phone in the pocket and resumed writing the apology which was harder to write than expect. I couldn't get a line in without some what insulting her.

Looking up i saw a familiar grey haired student, Suga.

"Sorry to disturb you, but our teacher needs you to come check something out"

"ahh of course~" he replied getting out of his seat and walking to the door. "but do you mind if you stay and watch y/n who knows what she'll do if she's left alone" he informed Suga pointing at me.

i gasped dramatically putting my hand to my heart "i am a WELL behaved student thank you very much"

"not by the looks of it" he sneakily said quickly leaving the office before i could retaliate back

i heard suga sigh taking a seat that was placed in front of the principals desk and look over at me "what did you do"

"nothing" i mumbled crossing out another line as it had an insult in it

"well by the looks of it you clearly did something"

"fine~" i simply gave in "i may or may not of thrown a paper ball at my teachers head" i muttered not taking my eyes off the paper

i soft chuckle came from his mouth "ahaha that was you?"

"yes it was...wait what do you mean by 'that was you'?"

"words travel fast at this school and Nishinoya and Tanaka couldn't stop talking about it at practice" he smiled

"i honestly didn't mean it! but i have to admit is was a pretty good shot~" i defended finally looking up at him

"but she wants a written apology from me but it's hard to write as all i'm writing is insults" i gestures to the paper tapping my pencil on the table.

walking forward he took the paper off my desk most likely reading 'bitch' , 'moving target' or 'unripe brussel sprout' still noticeable no matter how hard i tried to hide them.

"y/n you know it's not that hard to write an apology" he placed the sheet back on my desk going back to the seat

"yeah i know, in fact i should know, as she has a whole draw full of them in her classroom"

"really a whole draw?" he raised an eyebrow

"probably not but won't be surprised if she does, she just looks over at me when i'm doing something stupid! it's like the world is against me" i placing my head down on the desk with my arms hanging over the edge.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now