Your Not My Dad, You Always Wanna Hear Somethingッ

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(idk if that's what he's saying in the vine lmao it's just what i could make out of the mumbles)


Noya looked like he was struggling on a question but I probably wouldn't know myself so I just left him to struggle. I'm so kind🥰

I mean I did try to answer some stuff on the worksheet but got bored of it which led me to start doodling on it.

"Umm Y/n?" He spoke up looking away from his paper to look at me.

Pulling my eyes away from the view of the window, I turned to him. "Yes Spikey?"

"What would liquid ice be called?" He looked at me genuinely confused. He was really thinking about this one. "I know I know it but I don't know it right now."

I just stared at him...Is this boy serious?
Do I really have a crush on this boy? wait hold up...Yes❤️ Yes I do❤️

I blinked at him multiple times in shock but then yet again I would ask something like that.

"You don't know it either?-" He sighed in relief "Well that's fine we can just ask Miss-"

"Noya I know the answer, I'm just surprised you don't."

"Well stop with the suspense and tell me."

"WATER Spikey the answer is WATER! Liquid ice is WATER"

"oh...hahaha, you're right it is water!" He started to right on the sheet of paper.

While this was happening the vice principal had entered the classroom requesting Miss to borrow me.

"Y/n the vice principal needs to talk to you"

I looked up to the front in confusion, I don't remember doing anything that was remotely bad and should be told off for. But I agreed to go meaning I could get out of doing work.

"Umm okay...Do I need my stuff?"

"Yes this may go through until lunch"

"Looks like i'm going on a trip! Don't miss me too much Nishi!" I ruffled his hair walking past him to the front and out the classroom.

We walked through the hallway to his office. Once I was in I saw Takeda sitting in a seat.

"Hi Takeda!" I smiled at him taking a seat myself, placing my bag next to my feet.

"Hello Y/n."

The vice principal sat in his seat and placed his hands on a document and cleared his throat. Oh this was going to be so hard to concentrate with his wig lopsided on his head.

"Okay Y/n we are here to talk about your grades and behaviour." He said going straight to the point.

"We will be here all dayyyyy" I groaned pulling my left hand down my face slumping my shoulders.

Ignoring my remark he stated something that made me think for the first time, "I know Takeda doesn't really have a say in this but it's good for him to listen."

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now