A Potato Flew Around My Room Before You Cameッ

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Hello um hi i'm not dead lmao i'm still alive and breathing, i've been focusing more on school since it's my last year and i'm in year 11, so they need all the evidence they can get to give me good grades which i'm hoping for lmao if not i'm fighting the teacher jkjk unless...

So the updates won't be good as they were before hand however, I will time to time still update because this book is still ongoing but the updates will be slow, though I will do my best to update not to leave you guys hanging ;)

After this chapter it will go back into the storyline! and will go under huge editing since my writing before sucked. Also i'm also writing other stories that have not been published yet, so keep and eye out!

Enough of the chit chat and enjoy I guess😫

———Y/N'S POV

There lived a certain man in Russia long ago~

I shifted my body slowly from the loud sound of music, once I had opened my eyes, the time was around 11am. Though the sound of music boomed throughout my house. What on earth was going on downstairs.

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow~

"...the fuck?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes proceeding to sit up in bed.

Not bothering fixing my tragic bed hair I made my way downstairs to the living room.

And how I wished I didn't.

The scene was too much for my half awake self to comprehend.

Ra Ra Rasputin,
Lover of the Russian queen,
There was a cat that really was gone,

My mother and Nishinoya were on the wii playing just dance...And what a sight it was too see.

Maybe it's just one of my weird dreams I have and wake up trying to comprehend life itself.

"...I'm, what?...I- so, i'm so confused? am I still dreaming?" I suddenly question scratching my arm.

My mum seemed to noticed my presence and smiled. "Good Morning Y/n!" She yelled over the music still dancing copying the moves that the character was displaying.

"Hiya Y/n!" Noya grinned looking over quickly before going back to the tv ahead of him. He was currently loosing and was two stars behind. Shameful, at least win smh.

"Umm yeah hi?" I gave off a hesitated greeting yet it was more of a question, however tilting my head to the side, I shifting my gaze from the two dancing and to the tv screen, "Yeah this is definitely a dream. This shit wouldn't happen normally...Okay maybe it would-"

"Haha I won Mother Fucker! Told ya I would win!" My mum shouted in triumph pointing at Noya who pouted punching the air in disappointment.

"That wasn't fair! You've obviously been practicing." Noya whined clicking off the dance and picking the next song to dance to.

I stood still completely dumbfounded and sighed walking towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. "...Yeah...All a dream..."

Noya walked into the kitchen behind me while I grabbed a glass cup from the cupboard, once I had it I walked to the sink filling it up. "Are you just going to watch me or are you going to say something?" I mumbled looking over my shoulder towards were he stood. 🧍

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now