Country Boy I love You Ahhggッ

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~Y/n's Pov~

I left my house around 11:30 at night so i could arrive in time, but let's just say being really tired and riding a bike was harder than expected. I was wearing Noya's light blue hoodie, comfy shorts and trainers with my hair let loose.

"stupid bike, stupid sleep, stupid night, stupid road, stupid air, stupid life, stupid- AHH!"

hahaha...i just fell off my bike😃

Looking at my hands and legs there was luckily no blood only a small graze. I picked up my bike and carried on riding to school, it's nice to have some peace and quiet, life just gets too loud sometimes.

Hinata left without me because he was so excited and needed to let out some energy. I would be excited if i wasn't this tired.

Seeing the school ahead i made my bike go faster and rode into the entrance of the school.

I made my way to the bike rake but before i could even lock my bike, i got interrupted by a loud spikey "HEY Y/N!"

"Heyyyy Spikey" i yawned covering my mouth while locking my bike up, but my actions resembled a snail. Slow and groggy.

"Are you excited?" he started to smile really hard and wave his hands around.

"I will be when we get there but all i wanna do is sleep"

I shoved my hands in the pockets of the stolen hoodie and pulled the hood up making my face warmer as the night air was cold.

We walked side by side to the rest of the team talking about if we could drive the bus there or on the way back by persuading the coach with food. I mean if i got offered food from two teenagers to ride a vehicle i would let them...

"Well, we're scheduled to arrive early in the morning once again, Ukai and I will take turns driving" Takeda announced to the group, pushing up his glasses.

We all gathered around listening to the speech, well i was trying to listen but i kept on dosing in and out of sleep with my head bobbing up and down.

"Sorry if i nod off" Ukai apologised in advance.

"Counting on you sir!"
"Sir!" everyone shouted in unison...well apart from me i was in my own little world.

"Shhh it's the middle of the night, so not to loud" Takeda reminded the boys. But my only thought was where Kiyoko and Yachi were at, i'd like to say hi to them.

"Do you guys have everything?" I went through a mental check list in my head...

Nerf Guns ✅
All my clothes✅
Cool Kid Sunglasses✅
Nintendo Switch Lite✅
(^^oooo i wonder why we would need this🤔)
Yo-Yo the squirrel ❌

"No...i left Yo-Yo at home" i mumbled under my breath hiding deeper and deeper into Noya's light blue hoodie.

"Alright Ryū! Let's show 'em what we're made of!" Noya exclaimed fist pumping the air.

"Heck Yeah Noya!"

"Just shut up and get on" Daichi scolded them for being too loud.

The three of us walked on the bus first and sat at the back because like i said we are the cool kids😎

Once we sat down Noya started to talk to me "y/n do you think we can persuade them to let us drive?"

"Hmm i think so, i have enough evidence that i'm a good driver."


𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now