Oh My God, Oh My God He On X-Game Modeッ

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~Third Person Pov~

"Are they all dead?" Yamamoto was the first to speak up from the group of people who happened to stumble across the scene.

Yaku took a step forward looking back at the group. "I hope not but what...what happened?"

"I- I don't really want to know what happened..." Kenma spoke going back to his game to escape reality.

Kuroo walked around the corner seeing part of his team and others blocking the way. "Oi why did you all stop walking-...Okay who murdered them!" He ordered.

You may be wondering what the fuck they just came across. Well let's just say Bokuto, Tanaka, Nishinoya and Y/n didn't make it back to their rooms last night. That's right, they all passed out on the floor. Y/n spread out like a starfish in the middle of the slope, Bokuto at the top back against the wall, Tanaka at the bottom using a lid off a bin as a pillow and Nishinoya halfway from the top and middle laying on his stomach dribbling.

It was once one bin that they used to roll down but now multiple bins laid at the bottom. To be exact one for each person so they could have a race and some how Bokuto won.

"Do we wake them up or-"

"Hold up i need to take a picture of this." Kuroo laughed pulling out his phone channeling his inner Suna.

"What's all this commotion" Daichi said walking around the corner with some of Karasuno's team with him.

"You see Y/n, Nishinoya, Tanaka and Bokuto are blocking the way to the cafeteria and we want our food but don't want to wake them up..."

"So that's where they went" Daichi muttered while Suga stifled a laugh.

"Akaashi do you know what happened because you're usually with Bokuto"

Akaashi rubbed his eyes looking over at Kuroo "Last night at 1am Y/n, Nishinoya and Tanka were hiding from Daichi because they wanted to explore i think. Y/n was in the bin but made it fall over while she was still in it, making Bokuto and I jump. Then Noya rolled Y/n down the hallway assuming to this slope to push her down followed by Bokuto and Tanaka while i went back to the room." He explained in a monotone voice with no expression on his face. A lot of words from Akaashi if you think about it.

Kuroo pulled out his phone seeing a video sent from Bokuto. He pressed play and saw the video that they took last night of Y/n getting pushed down the slope, from hitting the wall at a fast pace to her sprawled out nearly puking.

"Well that explains a lot..." He sighed saving the video and showing the rest.

"I'm too hungry to deal with this." Tsukishima left stepping over the sleeping bodies.

Most people followed him towards the cafeteria to get their food leaving Daichi, Suga, Kuroo, Kenma, Hinata, Akaashi and Yaku.

"I can tell you right now Y/n was the one who started this all." Suga yawned.

"Yeah seems about right."

Hinata made his way to Y/n and picked up her leg dragging her across the floor until she woke up. "Y/nnnnnn wake upppppp" He whined in frustration as it wasn't working.

He dropped her leg and huffed "This is no use"

Hinata then made his way to Tanaka and swiftly pulled the lid out from under his head, making him hit his head on the floor which woke him up straight away. "It hurts everywhereeeee" Tanaka cried out in pain.

Kuroo looked down to the right of him and squatted down to Bokuto's eye level and slapped him in the face. "Rise and shine sweet cheeks" He then placed a kiss on cheek he just slapped. Bokuto just groaned in response.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now