When There's Too Much Drama At Schoolッ

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The vice principal mumbled words under his breath as he took a seat in front of his desk. He pulled out the paper work that he had asked Y/n to drop off for him the other day, although...Where was his paper work?

( @slave4the2D gave me this idea 🥺👉👈)

All he had in hand was a stack of failed drawing attempts of the shrek characters. There was shrek himself at the front of the stack that looked like a 4 year old drew it. Putting that picture behind at the back, the new drawing was of donkey who had...5 legs?

He continued to look through the stack until he reached back to first drawing, sighing he got up from the desk to find the girl.


Y/n tiredly rode her bike into the school entrance, today she was by herself as Hinata wanted to go to morning practice even though it wasn't on. A sigh left her lips as she jumped off and locked it up, "Y/n!"

She slowly looked over her shoulder seeing Nishinoya arrive on his skateboard and a bright smile, "Hi Nishi." She yawned into her hand.

"Looks like you manage to get up today, was it a struggle like it was the other day?." He teased getting of his skateboard and putting it with her bike.

The girl groaned in annoyance at the fact that she had to actually leave the warmth of her bed, "Don't remind me! I miss my bed already!"


Noya yawned getting off his bed while rubbing his eyes, "Y/nnnnn get up!~" He whined looking at her peaceful sleeping figure. "Y/nnnnnnnnnnn you gotta get up!"

The girl shifted in her sleep by turning away from the loud sudden noise and stuffed her face into the pillow, "Noooo! You get up!"

Noya looked at the girl in silence and was extremely confused at her remark, "...I am up?..."

She didn't bother answering so she snuggled down more underneath the blanket, meaning only the top of her head was showing. Taking the silence as her winning. Y/n rewarded herself by going back to sleep.

Not even a second later the blanket was ripped off her body as well as her ankle being pulled making her fall on top of the blanket on the floor, "I thought you said sleep was for the weak?"  Noya said thinking about her words from the night before.

"Looks like i'm weak." She mumbled not even phased by the sudden action, she sighed placing her head down and closed her eyes trying to drift off to sleep.

Noya huffed thinking it was impossible to get her out of bed and the fact that she wasn't even in the bed now made it harder, so he sat down beside Y/n and started to poke her cheek, "Oi Baka! Let's make breakfast!"

The mention of food made Y/n's eyes shoot open, "What are we gonna have?"

"Pancakes! Or something else if you don't want that, I don't mind." He reasoned as she sat up rubbing her eyes and a bad case of bed hair.

"What are you laughing at?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"Oh nothing just your cute bed hair."



"You always miss your bed! Anyways let's go find Tanaka." Noya said walking beside Y/n.


"RYUUUUUUUUUU!" Nishinoya shouted from the end of the hallway running.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now