Hey Everybody Today My BoyFriend Pushed Me ッ

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It is a hunter x hunter x reader with the character having the same personality as this y/n but more- ish toned down,...okay maybe not that toned down.
only if you want too i'm not forcing you :)


Y/n finally just arrived at Nishinoya's house from a long bike ride. Letting out a tired breath and putting her bike against the fence, she went to the door and opened straight away taking her shoes off.

Closing the door behind her she made her way straight to kitchen to get some food.

"Oh hi Y/n, Yuu didn't tell me you would be over today." Gramps said from inside the dining room watching her raid the fridge.

"Oh yeah that's because I didn't tell him I would be over. I was just hungry and your house has better food, anyways how are you doing." Y/n informed him grabbing some choccy milk.

"I'm doing good thanks and there's a clean cup in the dishwasher."

"Ah thanks." She nodded going to the dishwasher and grabbing the cup. "Any plans for today Gramps?"

"Yeah i'm going out with some of my friends today." He replied turning the page of his news paper.

Pouring in the choccy milk Y/n screwed the lid back on and placed it back in the fridge. "Is that code for going out to find a hot chick?"

Gramps cocked and eyebrow and chuckled, "How'd you know? Yuu seems to believe the lie."

"Dunno plus Yuu is very gullible so it's easy to fool him."

"Also why are you wearing a suit?"

"Oh yeah-" She started to giggle to herself for the reason. "I wanted to dress up as a bodyguard and go round guarding random people." Y/n shrugged her shoulders taking a sip from her cup.

"That's one way to earn respect." He laughed shaking his head.

"Just got weird looks and now i'm going to try convince Yuu to do it with me."

"Well I'm sure he will join, also I should be on my way looking at the time, Yuu is in his room probably doing something stupid." He said standing up.

"Got it, have fun with your friends." Y/n said winking at him obnoxiously.

"Yeah yeah. Go swap spit with my grandson or something." He waved his hand in the air walking down the hallway.

"Ew gross! We don't do that! Gotta keep it PG." She yelled back as he laughed in response.

She huffed and took the cup in her hand and walked up the stairs to Noya's room. Like usual she didn't knock. Swinging the door opened but only to wish she didn't.

"Gross Nishi!" She shouted closing the door chocking on her choccy milk.

"Y/n? Why didn't you knock! I was getting changed!" He yelled from the other side.

"My pour innocent eyes! I'm gonna have to wash them out with my choccy milk."

"You're drinking my chocolate milk?! At least get me a cup!"

"Put a suit on and i'll get you choccy milk."

"A suit why?"

"Sometimes you ask too many questions."

"That's because you don't tell me what's happening straight away."

"Yeah yeah whatever i'll get you a glass of choccy milk and you put on a suit okay?"

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now