Hurricane Katrina? More Like Hurricane Tortilla ッ

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(i looked at what the nicknames you wanted for him to call Y/n and I will use a variety throughout all the chapters so he won't be sticking with just one )


"Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspic-"

"Y/n what are you doing?"

I turned around seeing Nishi staring at me confused, "Nothinggg" I slyly responded.

He just looked at me with this face that means he knows that i'm up to something, "Fineeee, i'm trying to give back the paper work without the vice principal knowing."

"Ah well I did see him at the school entrance around 3minutes ago, so you should go in now."

"What would I do without you Nishi." I smiled ruffling his hair then going to open the vice principal office door, "If he comes you distract him okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" He saluted leaning against the wall.

I slid the door open slowly looking around to seeing no one was in, I closed the door behind me and walked to his desk. I took my bag off my shoulder and opened it pulling out the paper and putting it on his desk, closing my bag and putting it back on my shoulders I went to walk towards the door until it opened revealing the vice principal himself.

"Y/n? How can I help you?"

Hahaha...i'm in danger...

Thinking at rapid pace for an excuse as well as about how I was going to kill Spikey for not distracting him, I came up with a lie. "I- um...Is it possible?...for you to um let me join back to the volleyball team?!?"

The vice principal seemed taken back thought started to thinking about it and nodded, "I'll think about it and i'll let you know."

That's it? He gestured for me to leave the room, "Hold on a minute! you can't leave me on a cliff hanger! What is this? A hollywood movie?" I said as I walked out the room with him following behind me.

"Sorry Y/n but I have paper work." He sighed closing the door.

"Right where the hell is the Nishi..." I mumbled to myself looking down the hallway to see that he was gone, "That Bitch!"

Walking down further I saw him looking out the window giggling to himself as he watched Hinata and Kageyama argue. Clearing my throat to get his attention he looked over his shoulder, "What happened to being the distraction!"

"oh I got distrac-"

"He came into the office and I nearly had a stroke of thinking so hard for an excuse! Although it may be a benefit my excuse" I mumbled the last bit but huffed and crossed my arm looking away.

"Sorry Y/n~" He looked down with his hand on the back of his neck. "I'll buy you any food you want from the store." Nishi suggested looking back up at me. He knows his way to a girls heart.

"You would do that?!?" I exclaimed excitedly. Doesn't take much to please me.

"Yes of course anything for my mama's! So let's go!" He smiled putting his hand out for me to grab, which I happily accepted.

"Let's get some SNACKSSS!" I yelled starting to run down the hallway with him.

We got outside the school seeing lots of students on there way home or to club activities, I mean it was Friday so most people were heading home, "Nishi did you put your skateboard on my bike?"

"Yeah I didn't wan't to carry it around all day."

I handed him his skateboard as I unlocked my bike, "Fair enough."

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now