Fuck Ya Chicken Stripsッ

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~Nishinoya's Pov~

"Get into groups of three for your project, which will also help you revise for your exams"

after that statement talking fills the once silent room, with my classmates finding a group of people to work with. Although i already had two people in mind.

"Make sure you pick SENSIBLE people for your group~" she stated starring at y/n and me "people you know you'll do the work properly with"

"fuck ya chicken strips" y/n mumbled under her breath giving the teacher a dirty look making me giggle.

"Y/N! WANNA BE IN A GROUP WITH ME?" i raised my voice on purpose so the teacher could hear...

It successfully worked and as she gave a long annoyed sigh in return, y/n caught on and carried on the act,

"I WOULD LOVE TO NOYA~" she raised her voice to the same level as mine.

Now for the third person. Looking to the front i already saw Tanaka starring at me with a grin. Looks like we found our third member.

"TANAKAAAAAA!!!!" I shouted jumping out my chair with my body in a star jump position, accidentally startling y/n due to my sudden action.

"NOYAAAAAAAA!!!!" he screamed back.

Tanaka happily agreed and walked over to our desk.

Y/n was happy with the group due to the reaction she got out of our teacher.

As he came over, he pulled an empty chair from the desk infront of us and sat down so he was facing both y/n and i. It felt like we were interviewing him.

y/n cleared her throat and moved her arm up in the air and then back down, to then swing it across our desk wiping everything off it that came in contact with her arm.

"welcome to the cool kidz table" she stated placing her elbows on the table and resting her chin on both hands. Giving Tanaka really strong eye contact. Most likely making him feel uncomfortable.

i just sat there looking back and fourth between our belongings on the floor and y/n who didn't break composure.

Should i pick them up?...or leave them on the floor...

sighing with a smirk i copied her position and carried on the sentence for her "where we don't give a fuck" i placed sunglasses on my face to make me look cooler cuz we da cool kidz

"nice shades bro" y/n stated with a smug expression on her face nodding.

"thanks g" i said back giving her a fist bump and nodding back.

"well...~" tanaka started with a dumb founded expression across his face, looking back and fourth between y/n and i but soon turned to a well known smile.

"i am actually CEO of being a cool kid" pulling out his own pair of sunglasses and placing them on his face. Dayum he do be cool.

"wait wait wait wait wait" y/n repeated until pulling out her own pair of sunglasses and placing them on her face, so we all matched.

So here we all sat with sunglasses on, y/n leaned back on her chair arm crossed with a serious face which included a mini pout, Tanaka sat similar, although arms behind his head and chest puffed out, and for me i sat with my hand grabbing my other as it was in a fist with a menacing face.

y/n got her phone out and took a selfie to capture then moment when the cool kidz formed.

Why do we all carry sunglasses you may ask? well... it's because you never know when you need to be cool😎

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now