Today- Oh My God What is that ッ

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~Nishinoya's Pov~

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE WE HAVE SOME NEWS!" Coach Ukai shouted when entering the gym.

We all stopped what we were doing and faced Ukai and Takeda who were standing in front of the gym's metal doors.

"We are going to have a new member of the team so treat her with respect~" Ukai stopped speaking to glare at Me and Tanaka. "She doesn't know yet but Takeda will inform hopefully her tomorrow after school so don't tell her"

"Is it Y/n? Please say it's Y/n!" Hinata stood up jumping up and down.

Ukai and Takeda gave off a light chuckle before nodding implying that she was apart of the team.

Tanaka Hinata and i stood up and started screaming in delight.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" we screamed in unison but we had to stop otherwise DaiChi wOuLd gEt maD. Bruh stfu Y/n is joining.

I look over at the other team mates and saw Kiyoko smiling.

"TANAKA LOOK" i whispered yelled getting his attention to where i was looking.

"OH MY GOD THANK YOU Y/N" he started to cry dramatically leaning on me for support.

"Y/N YOU ANGEL" i leaned back on Tanaka exaggerating my actions.

The team started to chuckle and talk among each other.

I just couldn't wait to spend more time with y/n and the fact that Kiyoko is actually showing more emotions is amazing!

~Y/n's Pov~

"Hinata if you don't tell me why you are smiling so hard at me RIGHT NOW I WILL MAKE YOU LICK A BUS SEAT!" I shouted at him putting him in a head lock and rubbing my knuckle on his head quickly.

"AHHH LET GO Y/N" he squealed in pain trying to get out of my grip. "I NEED TO GO TO VOLLEYBALL PRACTICE!"

"YOU WONT GO UNTIL YOU TELL ME" I started to make the noogie more painful.

He some how slipped out of my arm and legged it to the gym.

Sprinting off i chased him to find out this secret he wasn't telling me.

I started to catch up on him but he turned the corner "SHOYO I SWEAR TO GOD!"

~Third Person's Pov~

"SAVE ME PLEASE" Hinata screamed slamming open the metal door of the gym making everyone inside panic. Mainly Suga. Tsukishima couldn't careless.

"Hinata what's wrong?" Suga asked worriedly making his way to him.

Hinata took a peek out the door and saw y/n approaching him while grabbing something out her bag. A nerf gun.

"Y/n SHE- OH MY GOD SHE HAS A GUN" He shouted closing the door making everyone go completely silent.

"She has a wha-"

"HINATA I GIVE YOU THREE FUCKING SECONDS...TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE HIDING" Y/n slammed open the door with her foot and stood in the door way with the nerf gun over her shoulder filled with nerf bullets.

Although the nerf gun was neatly decorated with random stickers, gems and doodles placed in different places. It was painted a f/c colour. It definitely had been used multiple times and taken care of extremely well.
(@X-Ichigo-X nerf gun for you 👉👈 )

People started to relax when they noticed it wasn't a real gun, because they let go of a breath they didn't even know they were holding .

"3" she started counting while cocking the f/c nerf gun.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now