I Don't Get No Sleep Cuz Of Y'all ッ

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~Nishinoya's Pov~


"Yeah big sis?" i replied looking away from the door that y/n just left from.

"You better of not been looking at her butt!"

'oh she caught me'

"NO I WASN'T!!...I RESPECT WOMEN!" i lied but i do respect them😤 They deserve the best.

"Yeah yeah Nishi" she ruffled my hair smirking going back to cooking some food.

"You should get going to it's getting dark"

"Can i stay longer pleaseeeeeeee" i whined pouting hoping that she'd let me stay

"Nope!~" she said to me "it's not fair that i let mini me go while you two stay and have fun"

"But BRO TIME" Tanaka shouted shaking my shoulders

"But before you leave~" she said sitting down in a chair in front of Tanaka and i
"Do you realise what she just did for you"


"Wowww, She just dyed her hair to prove a teacher wrong for you, a variety of girls care a lot about their and would never of done that"

"..." i just sat in thought, like Bro she did that for me? wowcha

"Here give her my number tomorrow at school so she can give it to the teacher who despise's it"

"Why can't i give it to her?" Tanaka whined

"You'll forget or loose it, now here~" she gave me a piece of paper with her number on it "and go before your family get worried of where you are"

"Thank You for letting me stay!!" i said before closing the door, putting the number in my pocket

On my home i just ran through my head the events that happened and let's just say it was very interesting.

Walking in the house i greeted my family, helped out with dinner and some chores before i got ready for bed.

The Cool Kids ✨💅😎🧍‍♂️


y/n is online

Desk Buddie

Tanaka is online

My Bro
Bold of you to assume i was sleeping
I never sleep😤

Nishinoya is online

Says the one who literally dribbles on my shoulder when we have an away game

Desk Buddie
Wow Noya do be exposing Tanaka rn😏

My Bro
i thought we were bro's bro🥺😔

Desk Buddies
Please don't do the bro thing😑

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now