This Bitch Empty Yeetッ

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~y/n's pov~

"Hey Spikey what's the long face for?"

the boy sat in his seat starring at the floor ahead of him calmly breathing with a big frown stretched across his face, he hasn't spoken a word since he has arrived and i'm starting to get worried due to his sudden silence.

no response...

i look down to see him fiddling with the bracelet i made for him, i couldn't help but slightly smile with a tiny blush that spread across my cheeks but it quickly went as it came because of the current situation.

"Noya?" i said softly observing his body language

still nothing. Boi give me attention!

"Oi Noya!" i raised my voice slightly also playing with my bracelet.

hearing my voice he quickly came out of his thoughts "huh" he said quietly looking at me, he definitely was worried about something.

"are you okay? you seem very...quiet..." i said concerned for my friend

"oh! uh of corse i am!" he exclaimed trying to make me believe him but that didn't work.

heavily sighing i looked infront of me and then back at him with a soft expression bringing my feet up so i now sat cross legged on my chair. which is surprisingly comfy you should try it.

"cmon bro i can read you like a book you aren't okay! and i can listen if you want" i reassured him but started to panick because it sounded like i was pressuring it out of him "b-but only if you want to~" i stuttered out. Waving my hands infront of my face "i-i'm not g-going to force it o-out of you!"

"it's okay y/n, i'm just worried because if i don't past my exams i won't be able to go to Tokyo with my team and play volleyball.." he reassured but sadly stated

then it hit me i'm the reason of him not focussing or learning. Due to my stupid comments and distracting him he won't be able to go have fun with his team.

The guilt ate me up but i didn't show

"well let's focus! i most likely won't pass! but there is still a chance for you and if you want it go get it!" i tried to sound somewhat motivational but to be honest i don't think it worked. "and i'll try cheer ya up" she lightly punched my shoulder

"okay!" noya retorted looking at the front to listen to the teacher.

Grabbing my bag i brought out one of his favourite snack which i learnt over time of him eating food with me.

Looking over at him he was too busy focusing which i should be doing but wasn't. whoops~

i got a mini post it note and wrote a little message on it to make him feel somewhat better. Idk i'm not really good with handling other's emotions, Like what do i do pat their head? (seriously what do you do i just sit there awkwardly lmaoooo need some tips plz and thank you)

'hopefully you'll find this later due to my secret ninja skillz, let's just say i've been practicing ;) anyways hope this will brighten ya mood up!
y/n '

putting my pen down and placing the sticky note on the snack, i placed it in his pocket discreetly without him noticing

what can i say i am a ninja

~nishinoya's pov~

looking over at y/n due to so much commotion i saw her crumble up a piece of paper most likely a failed picture which she drew from memory.

sighing she stood up and mumbled 'i'm going to get into shit for this but ha yolo' this meant something bad or funny or even both was about to happen within the classroom


from the back of the class she threw the crumbled up paper trying to aim for the bin. Key word TRYING.

Infact it did not land in the bin not even next to it but right in the teachers face...

"you were right! you got yourself into shit!" i exclaimed whispering trying not to laugh.

looking at y/n she only showed a couple of emotions, she was trying to stop herself from laughing, but then looked like she wanted to cry also regret filled her eyes

then looking back at the teacher she was NOT happy at all in fact the worst i've ever seen her and let's just say her and y/n do NOT get along

"MissOmgImSooooooSorryIDidntMeanIt" she quickly tried explaining herself

"y/n" the teacher stated




"Y/N!!" the teacher now fired up ready to 'yeet' y/n out the window

"yeah.." she whispered


"yeh okay i get it...i deserve this..." she said picking up her belonging and packing away, before she left she ruffled my hair, i slightly blushed at the contact.

walking out she gave the teacher a death glare before slamming it with pure rage. Once again they do NOT get along

it was quiet after that. there was no sound until a burst of laughter irrupted from outside.

"PFFTTT AHAHHAHAHAHA" hearing that laugh i new it only belonged to one girl.

the teachers head snapped to the door which she then stormed to, opening it y/n stood there absolutely crying of laughter.

Once y/n noticed the teacher standing there she legged it down to the office while giggling


hearing the footsteps fade away you could hear more laughing "IM SORRY MISS"


the footsteps came to a stop "BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE LOADS OF THEM"


hearing y/n groan "FINEEEEEE" was all she said before turning the corner towards the principals office

Wanting to check the time i put my hand in my pocket i felt something out of place.

Pulling it out it was my favourite snack. My eyes widened at the sight of it. flipping it over held a little note. Reading it i put it in my pocket to keep and opened up the food and ate some of it.

"she definitely knows how to cheer me up" i mumbled popping another piece of food in my mouth.


Hello ☆ Hope you enjoyed reading this ☆
Any ideas of what could happen in future chapaters? <3

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant