Wait A Minute...Who Are You?ッ

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"Y/n?" A familiar males voice was heard.

"Shit...that luck just went out the window...I don't want to turn around." I stopped in my steps shaking my head in denial not wanting to face him.

"I'll just imagine I heard nothing...Yeah! I heard nothinggg, nothinggg at alll" I spoke to myself in a cool smooth voice continuing to walk.

"Y/n you do know the vice principal is calling you?" Hinata said catching up to walk beside me. I just looked at him. Didn't even reply. My face just did the talking. Is this boy mentally okay? "What?"

Sighing I thought it would be better to face him now, then when they are playing a match. "Tell the others where I am if they ask." I said to him turning back around to face the vice principal. Hinata nodded and carried on walking into the building.

I faced him smiling while he was standing on the path in confusion, "Y/n! Tell me what you are doing here!"

"Well obviously i'm here to adopt a puppy!" I replied sarcastically spinning on my heels, "Actually maybe a fish? I haven't decided yet, but don't worry I will when I get inside!"

"Y/n how exactly did you get here?"

"Any suggestions of animals I could go for, a cat?"


"A lizard?"


"Ooooo what about a rabbit!"

"Y/n! Tell me how and why you are here right now!"

"...Fineeee~" I groaned looking up at the sky and then anywhere but his eyes, "I may have snuck into the boys volleyball bus...because I want to watch them play! They have worked hard to get here and I wanna see them win!"

The vice principal sighed realising that every time I misbehave I seem to one up it each time, "I don't have time to take you back to school but you will promise you'll behave."

Hahaha he gave in >:)

"Okay fine but I do get a bit excited when cheering them on...that's something I can't control!" I reasoned with him just in case I happened to do something that goes against his rules. For example shouting at players and insulting spectators...MOVING ON!

Seeming as it was the end of the conversation I ran into the volleyball building before he would change his mind. Although this building is huge, filled with so many people compared to the other matches. But I stumbled across a problem, i'm lost.

"If I was dora which way would I go...more like beyoncé." Choosing to go left I turned the corner without looking still in my own little world, but instead of carrying on forward I ended up falling backwards on my bum, "Nice to see that gravity is still working!"

I Looked up to see the person who I had bumped into. There stood a tall male with red hair spiked up, wearing a purple and white uniform with the number '5'. Ngl he looks pretty cool.

"Hey! Are you okayy?" He asked in a lively voice pointing down at me.

Oh yeah ha i'm still on the floor, "Yeah i'm okay just lost." I stood up brushing the excess dirt off my clothes looking towards him.

"Lost? Who you looking for?" He tilted his head crossing his arms.

Not trusting him yet I changed the subject, "Waaaait a minute, whO areeee you?"

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now