So I Am Confusionッ

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~Nishinoya's Pov~

"Y/N SPIKE IT DOWN!" i yelled at her, lightly throwing the ball at her so she could catch which she successfully did.

"spike it down?" she questioned spinning the ball in her hand.

raising an eyebrow and looking her "have you seen or played volleyball before?"

"i've seen bits of it but don't know the techniques and stuff" she said hugging the ball with both arms.

"oh to be that ball-" i mumbled so only i could hear. "do you know the positions?"

"nope" she said popping the p whilst shaking her head, leaning on the back of her heels.

"well i'm a libero~" i stated about to explain what i do and the other positions on the team.

"COOL! IM A CAPRICORN!" she exclaimed raising her voice with a big smile. (if this isn't your zodiac sign just change it!)

"PFFTTTT HAHA NOOO" i started laughing

"huh? why are you laughing at me?" she stared at me dumbfounded titling her head to the side.

"l i b e r o  not  l i b r a"  i said slowly so she can comprehend what i was saying

As i was starring at y/n waiting for her to understand, she finally understood due to her thinking face quickly turned to a pout.

"ughhhhh i'm so stupid" she whined bouncy the volleyball up and down still pouting

"anyways what i was saying i'm a Libero and i specialise in defensive skills for example a receive"

"woah you sound so smart! why aren't you like this in class?" she said smirking at me still bouncy the ball.

Ignoring her i carried on explaining "A receive is self explanatory, you receive it"

I looked over at to see y/n nodding up and down to show that she was following along to my explanation "uh huh"

"but a spike is when you slam the ball down as hard as you can on the other side of the court" i motioned my hand slamming down.

"ahhh okay okay i got it"

Walking to the back of the court i got into position "y/n stand in front of the net for this try"

"okay! do i just slam it at you? isn't that gonna be kinda painful?" y/n cautiously asked.

"it won't hurt me! i'm used to the ball hitting me"

"okay if you say so"

throwing the ball in the air she moved her arm slamming it down hoping to get some sort of contact with the ball, however missed it... her form was alright but the problem was she needed to hit the ball.

"WELL DONE Y/N PERFECT HIT" Tanaka gleamed sarcastically walking into the gym. "thanks for ditching me"

"HEY! not my fault noya over here was so eager to show me his rolling thunder!" she motioned to me to which i proudly smiled. "plus i've never played volleyball before"

"anyways if you wanna spike the ball keep your hand open with your fingers slightly separated like this" he showed his hand to her, looking at her own then to his as she copied it " because you want the ball to his the centre of your hand as it gives off more power"

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now