We All Die, You Either Kill Yourself Or Get Killedッ

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Miyagi is usually quite a cloudy or sunny area however today was not one of those days. The clouds were a deep shade of grey spitting out raindrops at a rapid pace.

"HEY SHOYO?" Y/n shouted from behind him as they rode their bikes in the storm.

They both found it hard to see, hear and ride their bikes in this weather yet they still were going to try make it on time.

Hinata slowed down the speed of his bike and looked next to him, "Yeah Y/n?"

"There's a bus stop with a shelter around this corner! We should wait there until the storm dies down."

"But we will be late! and need some practice before the game tomorrow!" Hinata reasoned.

"Shoyo you can practice after school but there is no way we are making it alive down this mountain if we don't wait." She gestured to their surroundings which consists off the drains being flooded, a medium size stream going down on the side of the road, it was extremely dark and dull due to it still being early in the morning, it just kept pelting down making it cold and damp.

"Fineeee." He sighed agreeing to her. Of course she was overreacting about they could die but it was the only thing that was going to make him listen.

Hinata and Y/n made there way to the bus shelter. Once they had arrived they placed both of their bikes on one of the inside walls and stood there awkwardly because the remanding of the rain seeped through their hair and clothes.

"I should've worn my Thanos Swim Suit!" Y/n scolded herself thinking about the swimsuit that was nicely folded in her school bag.

"You own one of those?"

"You don't?"

Y/n was drenched from head to toe, she had worn a waterproof coat although that really didn't do much. The water still found its way through. The hood of the coat kept falling off due to the wind pushing it off her head, meaning her hair looked like she just came out of the shower.

"Y/n how long will we wait hereeee!" He whined already bored and getting fidgety.

"Oh I don't know let me ask the sky?!" She retorted sarcastically and then stepped to the little door way of the shelter cupping her mouth with her hands. "HEY CLOUD! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP!~" She waited a bit for the cloud to answer of course it didn't, "What a shame Hinata looks like it's a mystery."

"It would've been cool if the cloud did answer back." Hinata reasoned kicking a small rocked.

"Well Hinata looks like we are waiting until lunch time." Y/n groaned looking at the weather app on her phone.

He looked at the phone in her hand to see if she was lying but she was telling the complete truth. "uugghhhhhh whhhhyyyyyyyyyy!" Hinata let out a lot of strangled noises that were getting louder and longer each time he started a new one.

While he did this Y/n just started to ring her hair out getting as much water she could out of it. After about 15minutes Hinata was still going "aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Are you done now?"

"Let me do one more then i'll be done...rrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...i'm done."

Y/n wasn't paying attention to what he was doing anymore so she started to count cars that drive past, she just prayed no one drove in the huge deep puddle to purposely splash them. But if she was in the car she wouldn't think twice about doing it.

"Y/n what are you doing?" He looked over seeing the girls eye on the road and every time a car would pass her face would brighten up.

"I'm counting car wanna join?"

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now