𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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———The two sat in silence having nothing to say, it was seemingly calm for the two a bit weird if you ask me since they have homework due today. Ahh- homework.

Nishinoya was now fumbling around nervously, he didn't have time to get detention. He had to go to volleyball practice straight after. He just has hoped Y/n did it so he can copy.

He looked over to his left seeing that Y/n was balancing her highlighters on one another seeing how high she can get her tower. blue then yellow then pink. She was in her own little world. And by this Noya wasn't so convinced that she had.

It was at this moment he knew...He fucked up.

Nishinoya knew that there was no way that Y/n had done the homework or even remembered that there was any.

Wanting to find out, I tried to get her attention the easiest way possible. However, it's always good you find out that it's true, because she might of actually done it. Hopefully. Wanting to find out, he tried to get her attention the easiest way possible. "Pst!...Psst!" She just wasn't responding.

"Fuck it." He mumbled under his breath. Grabbing his rubber/eraser, he lightly threw at her head.

Successfully it worked making her head whip in his direction. Perfect moment to ask. "Did you do the homework?..." He whispered leaning in a bit.

Y/n's eyes widened in sized. That's the thing she felt like she was missing as soon as she stepped out the house. "We...Um we had homework?...haha." She awkwardly laughed hoping it was joke.

Nishinoya nodded desperately. "Yes we did, and I was hoping you might of done it so I could've copied...But by the looks of it, both of us are getting detention."

Y/n gasped shaking her head. "Oh my God, is this who we are?!"

Nishinoya, knowing this would be a reference from somewhere, leaned back into his chair with a smile waiting for the rest of the sentence to be said.

"...Is this who we represent?!" She finished but started laughing at her own joke that he couldn't help but laugh along side her.

"L/n and Nishinoya! You better be focusing because this will be in your final exam!" The teacher claimed pointing at them with her pen and other hand on hip. The two teenagers looked at each other trying to hold on their laughs.

"Hey! Spikey!" Y/n called out poking his shoulder multiple times trying to gain his attention. Yet she gathered it when she said 'hey'.

"Yeah? What's up?" He said looking up from the paper clip chain he was making.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐤 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬ッ nishinoya x reader Where stories live. Discover now