👑 Chapter Forty Five 👑

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After staying awake for eighteen hours straight I was ready to drop down dead and sleep for a few years. Lucky for me, Isaac and I had already packed our bags before the wedding ready to leave for our honeymoon. The after-party had ended just as the sun rose and we had to find all our guests a way back to their homes. We also had to escort Nicholas and his family to the airport for their flight. They had been away too long and had to leave so that they could go back to work.

I hadn't had a moment's rest and I was looking forward to sleeping the whole six hour flight to the Maldives. Lulu was being flown by chopper back to Samburu that afternoon and Amani had to go back to hunting for places to serve her internship. I was leaving my COO in charge of work as I trusted him enough to hold down the fort for the two weeks we would be away. I didn't want to be away for too long. We could always take other vacations as long as they weren't long ones.

I was in my home office getting my laptop because I still needed to be kept on the loop about what was going on while I was away when door slammed open and I jumped dropping my phone. I looked up to glare at the intruder but all my anger dissipated when I saw Lulu standing at the door glaring at me. The last time I'd seen that look in on her face was when she found out about the attack on me. What had I done now? Amani was standing next to her trying to look intimidating but she failed miserably. Her baby face and plump cheeks always made her look like an angry chipmunk whenever she was pissed off. It was more cute than scary.

"Do you guys want to kill me? You could have at least knocked."I asked bending to grab my phone.

"Why did you do it Mar?"Lulu asked when I straightened up.

"Do what?"I asked confused.

"Don't stand there and play dumb. You know exactly what you did."She vented making absolutely no sense.

I didn't know what she was talking about and I was too tired to deal with whatever mood she was in.

"I'm sorry for whatever it is that I did that has hurt you so bad but right now I'm in dire need of sleep so please can we forget this, whatever it is."I requested.

"No we can't forget this Mar. What is wrong with you?"Lulu yelled and its the first time I'd ever had her use that tone on me.

My eyebrows shot up wondering what was eating her up. Even Amani had been shaken up by the tone that Lulu had used.

"Amani what's up with your sister?"I asked her since she seemed to be the more rational one.

"She umh... We umh...."She stuttered before she noticed the pissed of look I was getting and she blurted it out."Uncle Jared told us what you did."She confessed and I felt myself boil up in anger.

That blabber mouth had the audacity to spill my secrets to my sisters. It was my place to tell them and he had no right to meddle. I was actually never going to tell them. They didn't deserve to have that burden on their shoulders. I was the big sister and it was my job to protect them. I had been doing a good job at hiding it too until that meddlesome Jared had butted his head in.

"Why Mar?"Lulu asked in the same high tone.

"Because it's my responsibility and I was doing what I always do which is protect you so don't you dare raise your voice at me. I'm still older than you and you need to respect me."I demanded in a scolding tone.

Lulu was testing my patience, especially when I needed rest and sleep.

There was a soft knock on the door before Isaac left himself in.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I heard yelling is everything okay?"He asked looking around at all of us.

He looked worried and I could tell that he knew something was wrong judging from all our faces.

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