👑 Chapter Forty Three 👑

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I sat in one of the front pews of the church wearing my dressy blues with my ceremonial sword next to me. I had to buy the sword online and have it delivered since I left mine in the States. Kim was standing in between my parted kegs getting an ear scratch. He was enjoying it and it was helping me calm down. I was getting married in less than an hour and I was anxious.

I definitely wanted to do this but there was still a part of me that was scared about my life changing completely. From henceforth I had to start thinking about my life as two instead of one. Later on if Marini agreed then our family would grow bigger. I knew I wanted all that, I'd never been sure about anything in my life but I was scared of failing my family. What if I was a terrible husband or a bad father to our future kids?

I recalled the talk my dad and I had had the previous day and it helped me calm down a little . Marini's drunken words drifted into my mind making me smile to myself. She wanted to marry me and if the woman who was averse to marriage could admit that then I could do this. I needed to be the stronger one for the both of us.

"What happened to the pacing thing you used to do whenever you got nervous?"Jeremy asked sitting next to me.

"Marini adopted it and a pacing couple is bound to crash so I quit."I admitted trying to make a joke.

"Funny but seriously bro are you ready for this?"He asked.

"Definitely it's just nerves but I'd be worried if I didn't have those."

"Good because the guests are starting to arrive so we need to get out of here and give the church time to fill."He informed me.


I got up picked up my sword and sheathed it before following Jeremy outside using the side door with Kim trailing behind us. Jeremy took me on a simple walk of the extensive church grounds trying to help me calm down. We talked about different things and soon we were joined by my dad, Gilead and Jeremy's brothers and dad. The camera man found us and took advantage of the beautiful church scenery to take as many photos as possible.

"Okay enough of that, Jane just informed me that they've left the house so we need to get ready."Gilead announced and we nodded.

"Are you guys doing the personal vows thing?" Christian asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, Marini and I decided to go traditional."

"Still good."He nodded.

We met with the Reverend and went over a few last minute details to make sure that everything was going to go according. Soon enough I found myself standing outside the church door ready to walk down the aisle. Marini had just arrived with her side of the party. I couldn't see her but I could see the car she had arrived in. I knew she couldn't see me but I hoped she was as ready to get married as I was. With that in thought I waited for the song to start before I started my walk with Kim by my side. We had to get special permission for Kim to be in the church but he was a calm dog and good with people so they allowed us. People took pictures and I made sure to smile the whole time because I was genuinely happy.

With the cameras ahead of me I almost marched down the aisle but I held myself back because there was no rush. Marini was late but we had accounted for that so we were right on schedule. When I got to the altar I took my side and stood alert gazing down the aisle. Next on the aisle were Jeremy's parents then my dad and Clara. The groomsmen led the ladies down the aisle with Lulu stealing the show by confidently walking solo and strutting like she was on a runway. Gilead and his family followed which meant that Marini was next. Gilead took his place next to me and Jane stood on the other side where Marini would stand.

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